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A little curious if I would be shot on sight by most of you (maybe without the gun out but more on clothing).  I usually play as a guide/aid or medic so I have been trying to keep with an outfit that doesn't look too threatening like the masks or camo loadouts.  Usually when I play I just find stuff that is in good condition that I like how it looks.


Edited by Berserker07

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so thats my little survivor... although i may be looking like a bandit or a "Balota-Sniper" with my charackter, i usually don't kill on sight. Most of the time i play the guide of our little very military looking group or i'm covering them from somewhere playing the "eagleeye" ( sometimes with success... sometimes not ^^). So I'm normaly very friendly, I may also give you something for free ^^ but if you shoot at us or if you're behaving very suspect ... we're not THAT friendly haha :D. My clothing is usually very concentrated on the best camoflague effect that i can reach (normaly my axe is in my bag not on my shoulder... but the charackter screen displays it wrong :( ) and yeah... thats why im also looking for a selfmade-ghillie ^^.


So if you find a group with ttsko camo and camo bandanas ^^ just ask wether we're friendly:D  i promise if you hear a german accent ^^ you won't be killed :D


Sorry for grammar issues or mistakes ^^


Greetings from germany 




Edit: f****** pictures won't work -.- 

Edited by Dr.King_Schultz

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