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How long have you SURVIED!?

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Hello guys just wondering how long you have survived and whats your story :D ..


So far i have saved my brother TWO TIMES! and his friend...i have met many people but have never killed any one so far .... i really need some blood tho ... and im rare blood type A-..i have found loads of ammo and gear but i gave it away to help others at the minute i have 180 rounds for my nearly fully modded M4AI, and alot of food and water !!! i have survied around 6-7 hours at the MINUTE! 



So whats your story so far!? 

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I always spend hours getting full pristine gear, fully modded m4 and then walk around aimlessly for a couple of hours and get the random death screen. My fourth full geared character died out of nowhere an hour ago. Now I'm waiting untill they resolve the reported bug about it to play this game again... To frustrating to max my gear and die over nothing :(

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"In the forest, the wolf lives for three years and the donkey for nine".


The way I see it for now living has no point. Maybe if there was this growing beard option or something like score boards with lived hours/days on it,  then I would live in the north.


But for now I head straight NWAF or south-east coast and kill as many people I can before I get killed.

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So far I've only played 28 hours of Standalone, and I've survived all of it. I've technically died 3 times, but I did that on my own so I could get the thrill of starting with nothing again.


I'm hoping when more zombies are able to added and their AI is changed, the game will pose more of a challenge other than other players.

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my arma 2 launcher/ play with six/sixupdater never logged my mod survival time


have 60+ hrs in the SA


average life: 1hr-6hrs


longest life: 100+hrs (killed by sickness+broken leg after crawling for about 20 hrs)


longest life in SA: currently on about 6th?/7th respawn; three valleys-balota-staroye-berenzino-NEAF-berenzino: about 8+ hrs total

(2 players killed, 3 avoided, 1 friendly assist)

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My longest life was about 15 hours, spread over 4 days. I was pretty much "done", had everything I needed, which is some kind of a success for someone who's never played DayZ before.

Walked with a friend to Cherno to meet there, and got shot later by a whole spawnkilling banditsquad of 4 or 5 people, which were all camping on one of those death towers where fresh spawns jump from, to change their spawn location. Pretty sad lifes camping up there.

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I'm almost 24hrs on my currect character. Hes been all over the place and has been shot at and shot a fair amount of people. Mainly been going around checking out all the new objects in the world.

Edited by RyBo

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57 hours logged. 


Died at least 20 times.


Longest character on Standalone - 2 weeks (Died to an epic 3rd story glitch)


Current character going on 18 hours and I have to say after getting geared and setting up shop with the Mosin. I've killed 4 and at least 25 people logged out when I shot at them. Mostly missed shots.


I have only had 4 people stick around to die.


All in all I guess there are just more cowards than players.


I don't mean to offend anyone but seriously I just put in an all night session and practically everyone I see logs out or tries to ghost you. Maybe play something else that suits you're play style?


Sitting at Balota peering through some windows for a perfect vantage point.


I am a lone wolf and threats get shot on sight. 


I hope I meet some more players that stick around to die. 

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2 weeks with a hour or so most days. No kills, but lost my brother to a server glitch. I like staying away from the coast usually, and military bases for that matter. Max gear with a mosin, pistol, and enough food for weeks. And yes, a can opener.

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the wood is my best friend when i walk alone. i survive 10 hours. im very nervous like a rabbit(but i dont switch servers.thats not the meaning of this game.).i have 6 40/40 mags, 7 rice and know all ponds on the coast.


run boy run!! ^^

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