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Robert Allison

"Come Out With Your Hands Up" (First Encounter)

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So my buddy (Wolf Suit Mischief) and I (Robert Allison) are rummaging through the Air Traffic Control building at the NE Airfield around midnight EST last night. We are pretty geared for 5 hours in, he is set up as a Mosin Sniper and I have an M4. Plenty of ammo. We were getting ready to leave so Wolf Suit goes downstairs and is facing the exit door as I am in trace. Suddenly, we hear over VOIP: “Come out with your hands up.” Yeah, definitely not happening since I don’t know what button that is yet. This badass then proceeds to kick down the door and hip shoot with his M4 day-on stay-on into our general direction like some Russian John Rambo (RJR). As RJR’s shots are ricocheting and hitting walls, I get happy (nervous) and unload almost an entire magazine down the stairwell in front of Wolf Suit, expecting some flashmob of Philadelphia teenagers to close in and knock-out game his life. The Sound and the Fury is now in full effect, with 5.56 singing past everyone’s head. Then there is the single loud distinct crack of a Mosin Nagant shot and RJR’s one man revolution is terminated on the two steps leading into a dirty old municipal government building.


Why RJR? We wouldn’t have shot at you. We would have let you go. Since you were such a colossal Philadelphia Eagle’s fan, we had to ventilate you. We spent ten minutes just eating the food you were carrying. I also got some great parts for my M4 from you. We ended up logging out near the sea. But why?

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Part I like the most about the game is hearing the legitimate panic in the other players voices during the initial seconds of an encounter.


Gotta be doing something right for that to happen. Pocket Rocket and the Devo-team have outdone themselves.

Edited by zaphodity

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  On 1/13/2014 at 10:48 PM, Space Milk said:

You can't kick down doors...


Artistic license?

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  On 1/13/2014 at 6:22 PM, Robert Allison said:

The Sound and the Fury is now in full effect, with 5.56 singing past everyone’s head.  



that's a great line. good story!

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I came out with my hands once, they were holding my m4. Judging from the sounds he made as I looted his pack, he was all but thrilled with the end result.....

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Fantastic first post, welcome to the forums!

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I have yet to have an awesome encounter as yet, It has been all shoot first and ask questions later when people see me, sometimes they win, sometimes i do......


good story though haha

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I was actually very pleasantly surprised the other day. I was roaming the airfield with my m4 and was near one of the jails when i saw a guy run in the door then close it behind him, then he walked into the jail cell and looked out the window at me, he was holding a mosin. I immediately pointed my gun at him and said come out with your hands up. To my surprise the guy actually walked out of the jail instead combat logging/running to the second floor to hold up. He walked out i told him to lay on the ground then i cuffed him. I was trying to be as nice as possible, I told him that i was basically fully geared out and just needed some food, but i would look in the jail for it and then leave everything else for him. I did a quick search of him just to make sure he didnt have any other weapons to screw me over if he got out of the cuffs to quickly, then told him to wait here while i searched the jail, searched the entire jail, came back and he still didnt combat log! But as i was getting ready to uncuff him and leave him be he had the balls to ask me, "hey man, you have any mosin ammo?" . Seriously guy? i just held you at gunpoint, cuffed you, looted you, and you think youre going to get supplies from me so that you could shoot me once i free you? So obviously i then took his mosin, left him cuffed on the ground, and ran off for him to fend for himself. Though i did thank him for being noble and not just combat logging. As i was running though the fact that he asked me for ammo when i was the one holding him hostage began to eat at me. So i then threw a long range scope i had in my backpack onto that mosin and hunted him. I watched him wriggle to get free from the cuffs, but i didnt want to kill him just yet. I wanted the capture and taking of his weapon to eat away at him just like his question ate away at me. He finally wriggled himself free, i watched him run into the jailhouse to grab some stuff i left there, then he ran across the airfield to the bathrooms to try and grab some more loot. He found a pistol, maybe some ammo for it idk, he picked up a nifty new hunter backpack. I saw him begin to be happy again now, he seemed to have that pop back in his step, running from building to building carelessly like nothing ever happened. He probably began to feel like things were turning around and he was free of the problems from his past.... Or so he thought. Once he tried leaving that airfield i took his life.

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PART II - Robert&Wolf


After ending RJR and logging out, my buddy (Wolf Suit Mischief) and I (Robert Allison) started heading back inland, ever in search of phat lewt (like can openers [by the way RJR we have yours]). However, the 130 lb black female that is my character was hungry and my status was telling me so.


While we were searching through a non-descript Russian hovel, I came across a rotten banana. Probably can’t eat those. In the next room, I discover two more rotten bananas. Hmmm, maybe the game is trying to tell me something. In the final room, there was a rotten cornucopia of three fruits. These fruits are making a good point; maybe I should be eating them? I pick up a rotten kiwi and take a big bite.


Feeling satisfied, we leave the building and hear a rabbit scream. This immediately causes a bout of us running in circles looking outboard. But nothing happens…clever girl. It is just a Russian rabbit, a species that shares the same vocal chords as the undead. Walking around in Russia before the zombie apocalypse was disturbing enough, and now, with the zombies constantly making rabbit noises, you can never tell what is around the corner.


We decide to circulate back towards the NE Airfield of dreams and take a knee in order to get our bearings. I notice a status message in the corner: ‘”funny taste in my mouth”. Probably nothing to worry about. Suddenly, I hear the rabbit scream behind me again. Probably nothing to worr…blackness. Complete and solid black on my screen. There is a piece of tiny text on my screen that reads “unconscious”. I press my mike button and, oddly enough I can still talk. “WOLF I JUST GOT TAKEN OUT, ZOMBIE SOMEWHERE.” I hear two sets of footsteps shuffling around…the distinct crack of one Mosin shot. “What the hell just happened” Wolf asks. “No idea…it says I am unconscious and I think I am bleeding.” In about ten seconds we just went from the butt to the f**k. “I have a blood bag in my first-aid kit, I think you can revive me with it if you do it fast enough.” “How the heck do I do that?” A furious alt-tab and google for blood bag later, I guide Wolf through the process. “OK, don’t move, I am using the blood bag now.” I don’t know why he told me not to move but I wait in anticipation…daylight. Unbelievable. I can see but the zombie hit me so hard he merged my body into a wall. After some finesse, I extricated myself and was on my feet.


Unbeknownst to us at the time this was amazing for four reasons: 1: We just happened to have 1 blood bag and 1 IV starter kit on us. 2: We just randomly happened to have compatible blood types without knowing. 3: We just happened to have the same Rhesus factor. 4: We did it with zero disinfectant and I didn’t get sick. Almost.    


Anyways while I was fine walking, the whole world went black and white on me and I couldn’t really see much of anything. I was very limited and needed to follow Wolf. To make matters worse, that bi*ch of a kiwi was catching up on me fast and complicating my life. We decide to hit up the water pump before leaving town and I follow him in trace towards the pump. As Wolf goes to slake his mighty thirst, an outstanding (like a farmer in a field) Zed we didn’t see (I don’t know how we didn’t see him) runs right up Wolf’s ass. I get happy (nervous) and start unloading from the hip. Wolf then makes a tactical error by running right into my work space, taking about 3 shots to the grape, but don’t think that made me slack off the trigger for one second, these zombies are serious business.


My 5.56x45 cone of destruction mows down two men, one alive (now dead?) and one dead (now more dead?) but both sadly in the prime of their life. Such is war. The sounds of my well-sprayed shots have started attracting every Joe sh*t the zombie man in town, as I hear a wave of rabbit war-cries. “Hold on man, I think I can use this Defibrillator to revive you but I have no batteries!” I say, feeling pretty guilty. “I have a battery in my flashlight! Loot my body!” I rummage through his terribly organized backpack and find the goods. I detach the 9v battery and slam it into the Defib, clicking on his unconscious body. The message comes back “no unit”. “What the hell man, it is telling me ‘no unit’, it is supposed to work!” As I utter the word ‘work’, Wolf expires. For future reference, the Defib must be turned to “on” in your inventory before you use it. Ah, DayZ, your sense of realism sometimes…


We end the night with me consolidating all of our gear into as few bags as possible and constantly picking up and dropping the bags to make sure it does not despawn. I have a fireaxe in my pack, another on my shoulder, a Mosin that saved my life twice on the other shoulder, and my trusty (team-killing) M4 in my warrior hands. This goes on for near an hour until Wolf finds me again and re-gears. We log for the night battered but not yet defeated.

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Who needs enemies when you got friends like he? Your friend needs a bulletproof helmet and vest right away! Oh, and your blood type changes every time you die so next time you play russian blood roulette, there's big bets again :D

Edited by Al Bobo

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