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Barb Wire Removal

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Is there a way for a player to remove the barb wire fences?

I've seen zombies pass right through them, but i can't get through them which is kinda dumb.

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You need a toolbox, then aim at the center post. In my experience it's pretty annoying trying to get the prompt for removing it to come up, so keep trying.

If you're a freshly spawned player, you're just SoL. I'm getting kind of tired of people wiring off all the good loot spawns so new players can't get anything. I understand if you're gonna use it for tactical purposes, but just laying it down to block off the upper section of the firehouse when you aren't even gonna be around is pretty annoying.

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laying it down to block off the upper section of the firehouse when you aren't even gonna be around is pretty annoying.

LOLZ good idea.

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I simply could not remove a barbwire with my toolbox, I ran around the barbwire a few times and I didn't get the removal option.

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I simply could not remove a barbwire with my toolbox' date=' I ran around the barbwire a few times and I didn't get the removal option.


It seems really touchy with how it works. I see people saying to aim for the bottom of the middle post for best results. I got the prompt to come up several times while aiming ABOVE the middle post, I was actually looking at air, I dunno if it's because the wire was glitched lower than it should be or what.

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Right! I've never even seen a toolbox. I'm just a noob that dies a lot, 50% of time another player is shooting me even when i'm being very sneaky.

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Sephka, they wire off places like that because they are loot farmers hopping server to server in that location getting all the good gear. Hope something gets put in place to combat this. Disco'ers, server hoppers and loot farmers are ruining the whole experience right now. It's an alpha, and Im sure it will get sorted though, so i still play away and enjoy the game more than the things like this that really detract from the experience.

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