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Tents vehicle disappearing

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Date/Time: 7:00am-8:00

What happened:logged off at 7am logged back in an hour later every tent, vehicles had disappeared. This includes friendly isolated tents(a great distance away) as well no where near the camp site.

Where you were:North side of the map

What you were doing:We had just logged in and noticed.

*Current installed version:

*Server you were on:US 29 Atlanta 5

*Timeline of events before/after error:Before a player and myself made trips around the map poking and looking around at night time we had made it back to the camp and looked around everything seemed fine so we stayed on for about an hour everything still good enjoyed conversation we had on comms then we logged. After I logged on about an hour or so later to show off some loot just to see that all the tents are gone looking like the server ate the tents (still pretty sure you can't move the tents) and vehicles (which were a pain to get up to our location) I also had another player confirm that it wasn't a graphics issue on my side.

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Date/Time: 20:45 GMT+2

What happened: Server was restarted. Directly logged back in. Both tent and UAZ gone.

Where you were:North east in the woods

What you were doing:Just stashed some items before going for a hike.

*Current installed version:

*Server you were on: DE 6

*Timeline of events before/after error: We made a trip, picked up a buddy, parked our UAZ near our tent (~8 m distance), pressed save on both, stashed stuff in it. Ate beans. Wanted to go for a hike, that instant the server restarted. Logged back in. Everything gone. Afterwards: Crying about all the beans that will never be eaten! Q_Q

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After some restarts and some time waiting ... the tent suddenly reappeared. The UAZ was kept missing. On a hunch we inspected other locations where we have stayed longer ... and at a gas station we found the UAZ, in the same state as it was when we arrived at the gas station just missing the inventory.

Possibly this information is important: When we had the tent and UAZ in position we saved them just in the moment that the server restarted. Maybe that is why strange things happened?

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Date/Time: near 3-00 am (+4 GMT)

What happened: When I left I had two tractors, a motorcycle, a quad bike, a bike and VAZ 2106 full of loot. Also, there was a tent with weapon. Returning my friends and I found only an empty tent. There were no cars left.

Where you were: North of damb Pobeda

What you were doing: I'm sad

*Current installed version:

*Server you were on: US 52

* http://s44.radikal.ru/i104/1206/42/5bbec0fbc268.jpg

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All our vehicles on Chicago 54 missing as well.

Only thing different is that all the loot that was in the vehicles is spread out on the ground where the trucks were.

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Same thing happened to my clan on EU81, about 1 hour ago. Server restarted and all out tents and one vehicle went missing.

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All of US5 was completely wiped of tents, vehicles and placed(wire, tank traps, sand bags) items Friday afternoon.

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When I logged in now after the downtime my tent is two tents and the contents are wiped.

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Same for everyone on lu16, just gotta hope its like the poster said before me, the hive is down and when back up the stuff with reapear

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Yup its all over reddit about the hive being down. Hopefully it will be back sooner then later :P

I have not read a single official statement about the hive being down. Care to share some links?

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ok so server admin rebooted server, all vehicles/tents respawned with the previous gear in and locations

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We experienced the same problem on "de 55" server. two days ago, we pitched a tent there and when we logged in again after a couple of hours, it was gone. we were not too worried about it though because we have heard of several incident, when a server reboot somehow killed tents, so we decided to give it another try after we found two tents in a supermarket.

so once again, we pitched our tents, saved them and logged off.

guess what happened this morning? both tents disappeared. they were pitched correctly and we saved them several times just to make sure. the server announcement stated, that the server is rebooted every 8 hours...however, I can´t proof, that this is really the case.

I stumbled upon this "hive-issue" more or less by accident in this thread, after searching the "news" section on the homepage and the "announcements & info" section of this board without finding any hint on this whole issue :(

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IT seems the dev team wants to keep this on the down low since its a major issue.

I am surprised they have not gave the community a notice.

then again i think rocket is out for the weekend so the mods are taking over and are not sure what is going on, so they are being quiet til rocket says something.

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Me and my group also lost a vehicle full of stuff. Can't really tell when it happened though, it was there 3 days ago and then we went away (midsummer and stuff), logged back in yesterday evening to find out that this vehicle was gone, meaning that some time during those 2 days we were gone, it disappeared.

Now, I just thought someone found it and took it. But reading here tells me it may just have disappeared on its own which is a shame because it was fully loaded with ammo, weapons, food and water.

And yes, all our tents did get wiped too, before we went offline a few days back we read that the tents will be wiped so we took the vital stuff from those tents and placed it in our car, which we then drove off with to a more secure spot.

We did save the car after all gear was in it and we were done. Didn't help much, though.

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Where did you guys read about the hive being down? Can you give us a link? A trustworthy source?

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Yesterday (6/23 around 6-7PM GMT-4) I moved camp, put up the tent, didn't like that spot packed tent, found a better one a little bit down and put up the tent. Put gear in tent (2 NVG, 2 Range finder, 1 draganov sniper rifle with some ammo (about 5 clips) and some misc. items) save tent, hang around to make sure it saved and log off. Play on another server a little later on, log off from there. Today log on to my main server with my camp, go to my camp to find 2 tents, my original one I packed up and the one I decided I liked in that location, only thing is NO gear in either tent. So I lost some pretty "valuable" stuff from this bug. I'm pretty sure they weren't looted as it's in the north in the woods in a very out of the way location and "hidden" in a sense. Plus with my old tent popping back up makes me think something happened either with the hive or the server :(.

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*Where you were: N/A

*What you were doing: Had a day off, came back in the morning

*Current installed version:

*Server you were on: FI3

*Timeline of events before/after error: Logged in to spend a day off and when I came back in the morning I noticed one of our cars no longer had loot in it. I thought one of our members had emptied it for some reason, but today as I got to ask them it became obivious nobody had even logged in.

Today I logged in after having a lunch and noticed all cars but our tracktor were wiped as well... That's all the best equipment gone :|

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same here (i think)

*Where you were: N/A

*What you were doing: being ingame while server restart

*Current installed version:

*Server you were on: chicago 32

*Timeline of events before/after error:

i wanted to pick up a friend - so i started from our camp with motocross (in the camp were also: v3s truck, 2 (empty) tents, a uaz and a bicycle). when i was on about half of the way to my friend the server restarted. after restart i spawned back in our camp, all vehicles were still there. so i left to pick up my friend again and came back to our camp about 10 minutes later - now the v3s truck with some decent loot in it (nvg's, m107, gps units) and the uaz (with some jerrycans in it) were gone.

its a pretty strange thing though. at first i thought the 2 vehicles were stolen by at least 2 guys. but its strange that this should have been happened when i was actually ingame on the server, just 10 minutes out with motocross to pick up a friend. the camp (actually inside map borders, not in wasteland) existed since about 2 weeks before that and during this incredibly long time obviously nobody discovered the camp and everything stayed in its place. so why should it be that the 2 vehicles got stolen in exactly this pretty short 10 minutes when i was omw with motocross? other strange thing is that the tents stayed where the were (still empty) and the bicycle also wasnt touched. ---

maybe only vehicles and tents which actually had loot in them were concerned by these hive issues?

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*Where you were: N/A

*What you were doing: Had a day off' date=' came back in the morning

*Current installed version:

*Server you were on: FI3

*Timeline of events before/after error: Logged in to spend a day off and when I came back in the morning I noticed one of our cars no longer had loot in it. I thought one of our members had emptied it for some reason, but today as I got to ask them it became obivious nobody had even logged in.

Today I logged in after having a lunch and noticed all cars but our tracktor were wiped as well... That's all the best equipment gone :|


Today, one of our UAZ's disappeared. Nowhere to be seen. No loot has disappeared from the tractor so it was not a player.

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