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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Dust

Ballistic vest and Press Vest?

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Just curious anyone have pictures of the Ballistic vest? ive never seen it or were does it spawn? same with Press Vest?

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As far as I know, I don't think that the ballistic vest has been implemented into the game yet. There's only the anti-stab vest.

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As far as I know, I don't think that the ballistic vest has been implemented into the game yet. There's only the anti-stab vest.

Well im wearing a ballistic vest right now and my buddy had a press vest the other day and they are pretty rare.  He found the press vest in a train station.  But the Ballistic vest are pretty common.  They can be found at military bases, train stations, fire houses, ect.  They do in fact stop one bullet.  But after that they are ruined.

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Well im wearing a ballistic vest right now and my buddy had a press vest the other day and they are pretty rare.  He found the press vest in a train station.  But the Ballistic vest are pretty common.  They can be found at military bases, train stations, fire houses, ect.  They do in fact stop one bullet.  But after that they are ruined.

Really? I have never found it in all of my 115 hours in the game. Though, about the part of stopping just one bullet seems like a waste.

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Though, about the part of stopping just one bullet seems like a waste.

Not if it's a bullet from a Mosin Nagant!  ;)

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Well im wearing a ballistic vest right now and my buddy had a press vest the other day and they are pretty rare.  He found the press vest in a train station.  But the Ballistic vest are pretty common.  They can be found at military bases, train stations, fire houses, ect.  They do in fact stop one bullet.  But after that they are ruined.



Really? I have never found it in all of my 115 hours in the game. Though, about the part of stopping just one bullet seems like a waste.


Yea ive been walking around for a week and ive raided the bases, ive never checked the train stations though so ill add that on my to do list. as for the Ballistic vest does it replace anything like your Shirt or Tactical Vest?

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Not if it's a bullet from a Mosin Nagant!  ;)

Well, I did take a bullet from a Mosin on the torso and lived to tell the tale, though my healthy status might have something to do with that. Did ruin the shirt though.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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I've found several Press vests, most of them in Rify.

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I've found several Press vests, most of them in Rify.

Yea forgot about a boat.


Really? I have never found it in all of my 115 hours in the game. Though, about the part of stopping just one bullet seems like a waste.

Well man that one bullet that gets stopped may determine whether you live or die.  In DayZ, you need whatever you can take to keep yourself alive.

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Uhm, regarding some post earlier unless I didn't read that right:


Ballistic vest != (a) ballistic vest.


To specify, people can refer to the rare "Ballistic vest" (item name) or a vest with ballistic protection, more than common in military spawns. UK assault vests, tactical vest, etc.

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If some one could put up a screenshot of them wearing a ballistic vest so we can see what it looks like that'd be great .. I have yet to see one but I could possibly be some how skipping voer it thinking it is background ect .. (doubtful but yah never know).

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I have only found press vest. It's easy to find. Train station in elektro is where i find it the most. Never have found it in rifty ship though. 

Edited by sYs

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Are we confusing tactical vests with ballistic vests?  I have only found tacticals at bases.

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found a tactical vest last night in the military base . I tried to make a hero style outfit.


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I had a stab vest but it was ruined by the time I got back down to the south coast -




Ran into the little west railway halt in cherno and found a press vest. Having seen neither of them ever before..



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Friend of mine said he found one in the tents at NWAF.  He did confirm that it was definitely a ballistics vest and not a tactical vest.

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Really? I have never found it in all of my 115 hours in the game. Though, about the part of stopping just one bullet seems like a waste.


I think he is talking about the tactical vest that LOOKS like a ballistic vest. I prefer the assault vests, but that is solely for the look..

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Friend of mine said he found one in the tents at NWAF.  He did confirm that it was definitely a ballistics vest and not a tactical vest.


I dropped my stab vest in a tent in NWAF - i'd taken such a battering from Z's there it was wrecked and badly damaged, but that would be too much of a coincedence!!

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Anti-stab vests and press vests give some protection from gunshots (I don't know exactly how much). Tactical and assault vests do not. They're pretty much just useful for storage.

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I'm pretty sure the tactical vests stop bullets, or at least 1 until it's ruined.

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I've been trying to get a straight answer about the Ballistic Vest for several days. I tend to think that it's either a very rare spawn or not yet implemented. People keep saying that some "buddy" got one, but I've never seen a screenshot of one. If it can stop one bullet from either a Mosin or a Magnum, it worth having one. The Press Vest probably only helps with 45 Auto bullets (2-3) to torso depending on distance, less if at very close quarters. I'm not sure about using one except maybe at night. Hoping it can be spray painted, to black or olive green... Ultimately, for those of you claiming that you own a Ballistic Vest, please post a screenshot with inventory open, so we can read its name and not just a screenie of a Tactical Vest. Enough said.

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I have not tested with bullets yet.


But the tactical vest looks different when left on ground. It stands still just like if there was a torso in it. Also its look, on the sides and back is much more like it is a bullet proof vest.  Which pushes me to think it might have some different properties.


Other  than that it has same tool tip with UK assault vest and 8 storage slots.


By the hope, it would stop a bullet, I left my assault vest on the ground and picked this black vest. When I get shot, I will let you know the outcome too :)

Edited by HellGuy

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