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'Take <x> into hands' for all items

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Simple idea, really. Many items we can do this for already, i.e. food and melee weapons, but I'd like to go a little further.

I'd like to be able to pick up any items and be able to carry them, clothes, hats, footwear, firewood, backpacks (empty or full). Basically any item that spawns that it would be possible to carry in the real world.


Would also be convienient to be able to have the option to 'Take <x> into hands' on the command menu even if we could just put it into an inventory slot.


Backpacks could be a special case: I'd like to be able to carry one in my hands, but realistically it would be okay to not have it saved like the standard one on your back, whether it was in your hands or not. Otherwise it's just more storage per character. I'm thinking of this functionality more as a 'Here's one I prepared earlier' and hand off to a freshie or a friend.

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