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Firefights for dayZ

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Was just in an amazing gunfight in Elecktro with 4 people in my group against either a really large group or 3 different groups.  took three guys down trying to make a push for us.  Then soon as we start to go loot their boddies, another group comes out of know where firing shots pushing us back towards the train sation.  We take cover inside the train station and secured the area outside.  Was in a stand off for over 15 minutes trading shots.  One of our guys flanked to the firestation and took out two of the guys we had pinned down.  


But our guy that flanked them was also the guy watching our flank.  And sure enough as soon as he got the kills, either 2 of there friends or some random guys had flanked us and and pretty much executed us within seconds lol.  Best firefight ive had yet in the SA.  So much fun!!!


Anyways if any of you guys recognize this post and you were in this paticular fight, Cheers for not COMBAT LOGGING.  Had fun. 

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Edited by Guest

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Nice! You live on those fights for weeks rofl. Nothing better than two legit groups crossing for a final show down.


Had one last week with my group. We ambushed a large group crossing the bridge next to the coastal factory. Full on shit fest fire fight.


We had our no gear guy go up and try to link groups but they heard our cross coms from his direct chat and they told him to kick dirt.


One dude from there group did log but so did one from ours, lol. After I started screaming "WTF you left me to die" (I dont log) I charged in and found there one Logger who just joined again (guesing one of his buddys said the same to him). After some clean up it looked like a group of 6 and we had 6 also.


What I remember most was us trying to kill the one runner of the group. As soon as we moved in after the ambush we see this guy burning foot tread to the tree line 400m off. My group shot like 100 rounds at the guy and he made it to saftey never to be seen again. The one who will tell his buddys familys they arn't coming home.


Just like yours everyone but one dude died lol. And thanks to only E-coast spawns everyone from both groups kept coming back every 5mins. It was a turkey shoot till the end.

Edited by RyBo
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Nice one, my firefights always end in combat log, yesterday one guy almost wiped my whole squad in one of the prisons while he was camping on the second floor. He was a veteran cause he headshot one of my mates through the stairs. I rushed him after 1 minute or so and he was gone. So ye its sad that even seasoned DayZ players combat log.

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Yea trust me weve had our fair share of combat loggers.  Right now we make sure to wait for the best shots so they dont have the option to combat log.  But people that do CL you have no clue how much fun your missing out by bitching out to save your precious loot.  I can more than likely regear close to what you have in 15-20mins, so whats the point of worrying ab losing it?   

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Nice! I love a good firefight,


My best has got to be a 2 vs 2 in the middle of cherno, all 4 of us had Mosin's and ended up fighting it out proper urban combat style! 


What made it better was that  random new spawn walked into the middle of it, and then went prone whilst shots went over his head, he had to crawl his way out :P

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Yea trust me weve had our fair share of combat loggers.  Right now we make sure to wait for the best shots so they dont have the option to combat log.  But people that do CL you have no clue how much fun your missing out by bitching out to save your precious loot.  I can more than likely regear close to what you have in 15-20mins, so whats the point of worrying ab losing it?   

That is only if you server hop which is surely just as bad as combat logging.

Edited by africanhungergames

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so once i was on the firestation roof in cherno with my buddy we saw a group of 4 players right across at the hospital, 3 guys standing in a ring and one looting the hospital (hes howed up later). It was quite a distance so we really didnt see so good but we just had to take our chance. I had a PU scope so i landed the first shoot on the guy standing in the middle, perfect shoot if i might add, he drops down and all the other players starts to freak out they take cover and starts to return fire. At this point people are running like crazy on the otherside from cover to cover while we do our best to try to hit them. One of the guys had a mosin with sniper scope so he started to pin us down from the hospital roof. We were in a really bad spot we had to do something so i break the cover and rush for the ladder to climb down, just as i reach the ladder the sniper sees me and shoots, i hear it wizzing by my head but it missed me barely. So now i rush for higher ground while my friend was shooting supressive fire. I  climb all the way up the Silo in central cherno.and try to locate this pesky sniper and see him on the hospital roof so i take my aim and shoot. Blam! headshot but his helmet saved him was quite a spectacular shot i saw the bullet making sparks as it hit the helmet. I quikly shoot another one and he dies. Now i cover my friend from here and he flanks from the right. When he reached the hospital all of them was dead, we really didnt see any of our kills except the sniper and the first guy due to the distance. That was so intense!"

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