Tbeer 0 Posted June 22, 2012 EDIT:Edit because the new reply's seems to read have misread the first post or did not read the discussion below it.So for the people who don't want to read and only want to react on the first sentence off the post. In short..-I already see that "punishing" offline players would make this a facebook game, which I also don't want.-This is a survival game. So food drink should be 1st priority which I think is to easy to find now. Or am I the only one who thinks this.I think it should be a goal and challenge in the game.-Instead off a "punishing" offline people, reward people who are able to get a good set of food drink in their backpack. Is this a good idea?-I just want to discus, so please don't just say horrible idea , burn it. We are all here to make this a better game, and I think that in a survival game food should be more valuable then it is now.ORIGINAL POST:DayZ must be one of the most unforgiving games I've played.So I was surprised that the hunger/thirst while offline got frozen.I understand that not everyone, myself included, is able to come online every single day to make sure your character is not dying of hunger or thirst.But to completely freeze it while offline.... to easyThe food and drinks I find is too much for the time I have to spend playing this game.Why not make it more of a challenge for people who want to be able to take a break from their character.If you know you won't be able to play for a few days, this will give you a goal to make sure your character will survive. Making food and drinks more valuable.How about.Every consumable item gives you units, hunger units (HU) and thirst units (TU).1 unit is 12 hours.CookedMeat= 4HUCannedFood= 2HUSoda = 1HU+1TUCanteen = 4TUWhen you are offline and your hunger or thirst drops below say 20% the DB should check for consumables in your backpack and consumes 1 item. Food/soda cans first then meat and canteens.This means that with a with a Czech vest the max days you could survive offline is 6 daysand for a Coyote Backpack the max is 24 days.See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av7fMXZJwfCIdG5YMjlDekRfQ3QtZWhaVWVYbF8zWVE#gid=0for some examplesIf you also couple the blood counter to this, your character will heal while you are offline.Just my thoughts, please shoot at the idea, not the person :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mangles 1 Posted June 22, 2012 This makes the hunger and thirst while offline way more harsh than it used to be. In the old update you could go 24 days and only need a single beans and soda to get you back to where u were.While I'm not saying that hunger/thirst while offline needed to be taken out. I do disagree with your version of putting it back in. Basically your killing any character who can't play for real life reasons for extended periods of time. That's pretty cruel to the casual gamers or occasional partakers of DayZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SASQUATCH_OZ 0 Posted June 22, 2012 You're fucked if you ever have to go on a week long vacation or bussiness trip. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razzmatazz 2 Posted June 23, 2012 I'm happy they finally made it so that there is no hunger/thirst penalty for not playing the game. It makes it easier to pop in for some quick playing. Before, it was suboptimal to play for just a half hour because you would end up wasting non-hungry/thirsty time by quitting too soon.If I wanted to worry about what was happening in the game while I'm not playing it, I would go play FarmVille. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tbeer 0 Posted June 23, 2012 But this is a survival game is it not.When I think of survival the main goals are-Food and water-Somewhere to hide for weather/bandits/z's -Kill or be killed (weapons)so we play in a persisting world till we log out, this seems odd to me.I agree that it should not become a facebook game please no, my girlfriend will laugh at me if it does.But if you know you have to go on a week long vacation or business trip you could stock up so your character would survive it. Its not wrong to have a goal in the game.I also agree that maybe your character should not be able to die when offline.But the longer it takes you to come back the more urgent it should be to find food/drinks. Unless you had a good backpack full of stuff.I also wonder how many "casual" gamers this game has.Or what the average time is a user takes to come back.Maybe the stats guys can figure that out.Or just implement a reward system for giving away food, that would at least encourage me to share the overstock of food I have at the moment.Now most people take the food and pay whit a bullet to my head.Its not that I desperately want an other hunger/thirst system, its just that that part of the game, for me, is not about survival, which, to me, feels like it should. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackel2072 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Maybe if some day different servers can be running different versions of the game. But overall no. As mentioned above, I have a life outside of dayz. If this ever became full fledged Feature, I'd probably stop playing. I can't log in every single day to feed and water my virtual self. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 37 Posted June 23, 2012 Having it as it is now (spend too long out of the game and you'll come back to both statuses red and blinking) is alright. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Champloo (DayZ) 5 Posted June 23, 2012 OP is one of those guys who wants everyone's body to never leave the game, I bet. Probably spends every waking hour at his terminal.To stop talking about the OP this is an atrocious idea that should be burned at the stakes of Cherno. Hunger and thirst are frozen for a reason, it's just redundant to be affected for not using your character. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tbeer 0 Posted June 24, 2012 @JackelYou did not read the first post correctly. I don't want to come on every day aswell. When you have enough stuff in your backpack you can be offline for many days. Making it a goal to have a backpack full of goodies.@LatinGeekHunger and thirst are frozen now. Or at least in my version.@ChamplooOP?If you are talking about me.No I have wife, kids, job. About 1 hour a day to spend on games. Which on the moment is DayZ.I don't want anybody to be online all day,I just think searching for food and drink should be more valuable than it is now. Survival is as I stated earlier for me, is in the first place making sure you have food en water.Which is to easy as it is now.-I also had a normal discussion with some friends last night. Some for, some against.This topic shall probably always have lovers and haters.It also made me see that you see this as punishing offline players and I see it as a goal in the game.The solution would be not punishing players and food and drinks would be more of a goal than it is now.But seeing where this discussion is going here, ill leave it at this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobby (DayZ) 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Wow. Please don't turn this game into a Tamagotchi. An offline hunger/thirst system is a really bad idea. I'm surprised there's even a discussion about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2ugly 12 Posted June 24, 2012 To go hungry and thirsty while offline is a bit too much. The idea is too make something people want to play. If I know my character is going to die while I'm on vacation... I see no interest in continuing to play the game after I return knowing that character is gone.Devs have made many horrific game decisions based on bad ideas to begin with. These types of implementations of realism have always not been a good idea, and never will be if they want people to play it.If you want hunger while not online, your character should also be there to loot for the same penalty. After all you want it real... Your character shouldn't disappear in thin air.... that isn't real either. How far do you want to take it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tbeer 0 Posted June 24, 2012 I edited the first post, please read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites