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Mod worth playing still or too many hackers?

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I have been playing the stand alone since it was released on Steam but watching YouTube vids of the mod have made me want to give it a go.  Some of those same vids also mentioned that hackers have ruined the game or made it unplayable.  I was wanting to check out some of the features that they will or may implement into the stand alone in years to come but don't want to waste my money playing the mod if its still full of hackers with God Mode on.  Is it just a matter of finding the right server or are there still more hackers out there to make a difference?  Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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Edited by Guest

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I have been playing the stand alone since it was released on Steam but watching YouTube vids of the mod have made me want to give it a go.  Some of those same vids also mentioned that hackers have ruined the game or made it unplayable.  I was wanting to check out some of the features that they will or may implement into the stand alone in years to come but don't want to waste my money playing the mod if its still full of hackers with God Mode on.  Is it just a matter of finding the right server or are there still more hackers out there to make a difference?  Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


Haxxors in online games.  News at 11.


But seriously, I wouldn't call hackers and script kiddies a huge problem in DayZ right now.  Yeah, they exist but many of them have already been banhammered and have already begun filling these forums, steam forums and their hax forums with tears, none of which are met with pity.


And to be Frank, the DayZ mod has more than it's fair share of well known hackers and epeeners.

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Haxxors in online games.  News at 11.


But seriously, I wouldn't call hackers and script kiddies a huge problem in DayZ right now.  Yeah, they exist but many of them have already been banhammered and have already begun filling these forums, steam forums and their hax forums with tears, none of which are met with pity.


And to be Frank, the DayZ mod has more than it's fair share of well known hackers and epeeners.


I was gonna reply to you, but i got distracted by your signature, and now i want to go play ANY early 90s game. Good show.

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I was gonna reply to you, but i got distracted by your signature, and now i want to go play ANY early 90s game. Good show.



You can play the original Gauntlet (which is the reference from my user name and sig) and many other classic arcade games online here:



Or from numerous other sources.


I actually built my own PC arcade cabinet, sticks, trackball, joysticks, buttons, the whole shebang powered by an old Gateway PC.  Warlords and Pong are actually two of my kids' favorite games despite the fact that they have nintendos, xboxes and computers.  They also complain that I'm too hard on them in Street Fighter despite the fact that I occasionally let the younger ones win.

Edited by NeedsFoodBadly
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You can play the original Gauntlet (which is the reference from my user name and sig) and many other classic arcade games online here:



Or from numerous other sources.


I actually built my own PC arcade cabinet, sticks, trackball, joysticks, buttons, the whole shebang powered by an old Gateway PC.  Warlords and Pong are actually two of my kids' favorite games despite the fact that they have nintendos, xboxes and computers.  They also complain that I'm too hard on them in Street Fighter despite the fact that I occasionally let the younger ones win.


A god among men, you are. 

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Haven't encountered any huge hackers in 8 months in the mod.

Although one time this guy took 10 AKM rounds and killing me with an MP5.


I've seen 4 hackers in less than 60 SA hours.


But other than that, i'de really recommend the mod rn. Its a pleasant change from Balotafield to a bit more interaction.

Heres the key. Stay off populated servers. Smallee servers are usaully populated by friendly(ish) players, though still don't turn back. 

I wuv headshotting them when they make that mistake.


And rn its harder to do anything in the mod than in SA.


You're going to need dayz commander to play though.


If you really want hardcore, threatening zombies, try DayZ+, a mod for a mod.

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The mod isn't absolutely ridden with hackers, it is still very playable and from what I've heard, the SA has it's fair share of hackers, although I haven't seen any yet.

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I haven't seen a script kiddie in the mod since late 2012.


Should be fine.

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in the mod admins can spawn everything they want, loot, vehicles and even tp..


standalone.... nothing really but kick and restart the server. 


Easy choice for me.

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in the mod admins can spawn everything they want, loot, vehicles and even tp..


standalone.... nothing really but kick and restart the server. 


Easy choice for me.

Not on Public hives or most server hosting companies.

DayZ Priv is the only company i know allows you to do this.

And anyway, only Epoch admins seem to do this for me. I rarely/never see them on legit servers.

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Simply get the mod. Plus you get ArmA 2 which is a great game in itself if you can learn to appreciate it. I personally have all the DLCs and love it. Wasteland and the Life servers are good fun too if you have some friends to play with. Plus you will learn the game in a more simplified state.




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