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anti-tank/BarbWire/SandBag Modificaton

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Right now, the only use I see in game of sand bags, barbwire, anit-tank is blocking building from players. Which could be justified, if the placer of the wire/bags/tank was still in the damn building. 99% of the time, the placer of the item isn't even still in the town/server.

***I say this, give these items a BUFF by having a limited number of uses (like 2-5 so you can place multiples at one time) instead of only 1 use, and have them only last for as long as the player is within 300 meters of them, alive, and logged-in to the server. This allows you to make more cool things with them (by placing more than 1), but only when you are actually using them.

So when someone blocks a building so they can loot it in safety(lol), that's fine, but they have to remove the wire to get out. If they server hop, the wire despawns within 10 minutes. If they die, the wire despawns within 10 minutes as well. You could server hop to get out of the building, and come back before it despawns. But you could also have just placed it there from outside the building anyway.

The LAST thing this game needs, is items like how these are made now, that allow players to fuck other players, when they are not even still online. :@

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Hmm... so you wouldn't be allowed to make a base and protect it with barbed wire because as soon as you stepped out of the 300 meter radius it would all disappear leaving your base defenseless... makes sense.

Grow up and find a toolbox.

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jesus christ, I think we need 800000000 more of these topics, no really we do!

Get a toolbox!

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