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New Player: Looking for Partner/Teammates

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Hello friends,


A little about me...


Timezone: CST

Usual Playtime: After 7 PM (Weekdays) -- Anytime (Weekends)

Style of Play: Friendly, but cautious (only attacking if necessary)

DayZ Experience: New

Player type: Mature


What I'm looking for in you...


What I'm looking for in a teammate/partner: Ideally, I'd like to find a few people that would like to pair up and approach this as a survival game and maintain being respectful of other players. Of course, if the time comes to defend yourself, then we will do as such. 


What I'm not looking for teammate/partner: Short of saying I'd like to approach this from a role-playing aspect, I'm quite simply not looking for someone that is approaching DayZ as a TDM or strictly PvP. If that's your approach/entertainment, no worries.


If you prefer a smaller team or single partner (not a full clan) and share the same mentality of playing DayZ with the description above, feel free to PM me here or add me on Steam: REDST1CK


I also recently purchased the ARMA II/CO & DayZ Mod for play. So, there is the possibility of extending our play time within the DayZ Mod, along with the DayZ (SA), if you'd like as well. I'd be up for that, too.


Appreciate your time and stay safe!



Edited by RED ST1CK

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Hey, I just started as well (have about 3 minutes of play atm) and would be down for some roaming if you would like.

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New player here, would like to have some friendly encounters in DayZ for a change. lol.   How do we add friends?

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Check the Clan recruitment forum, a lot of people looking for friendly groups to play with there, I recommend you guys message each others steam names to if you all want to play with together btw. 

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Yeah, i've got about 10 hours playtime all lone-wolf. would be interested in some likeminded roamers to explore with.


Steam ID: ColinFly

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