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Looking for 1-2 guys for Epoch group

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We are looking for 1 or 2  players to join us on a Dayz Epoch server. We will be on tonight if you want to try and meet up.


About us   :thumbsup: 


We are a VERY active group, Most of us are 18+


Currently play on a well populated server people on during most of the day. We have a base setup  and have vehicles choppers included. Have pretty much at least 1 of every high end gun and disregard ak's and m16's when looting. We have our own private Teamspeak Server.




Have played Dayz before for 6+ months

Have Mic for TeamSpeak

Age 18+

Ability to PVP

Able to play by yourself for periods of time

Someone who will work for their own gear when required



Not looking for   :ph34r: 

New players

Teach people how to play the game

Players who want to be picked up and handed gear upon entering the server

Under 18

Someone who rages out when killed and quits

Someone who Griefs by blowing up all vehicles and being a general douche



:beans: If you think you fit this description and we sound like something you might want to try Send me PM a join our TS at

Edited by Hobknob

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Will be online now for a hour or two, other guys should be on later....

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Hey, you say you play on a populated server, can I ask which one? I currently play on the MGT Epoch servers but I'm willing to switch. I have a mic and have played DayZ mod for way over a year now.

Edited by Grazant

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  On 1/15/2014 at 6:10 PM, Grazant said:

Hey, you say you play on a populated server, can I ask which one? I currently play on the MGT Epoch servers but I'm willing to switch. I have a mic and have played DayZ mod for way over a year now.


Sorry, missed this.

Edited by Hobknob

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hello mate me and my bro wanna join im 21 hes 16 from uk ive been playing for 6 months hes been playing nearly a year let me know cheers

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If you guys ever are in need of a server, we'd love for you to check us out our Epoch server. Just upgraded to Epoch 1.0.4! 


Good luck with the search for more members.

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I really need a DayZ team and you guys are great, now just saying im only 13, but im an extremely good sniper and pilot.

My best sniper: m107 (i have gotten a 1378m kill with this.


Im not a noob and just wanna play dayz with some people, thx Bullsnipples

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Been playing for awhile now and getting bored lone wolfing it wouldnt mind teaming up if you have a spot still open.


live in the US Eastern time zone


Skype name: x BEAST O FEASTx  

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  On 2/2/2014 at 2:39 PM, xBEAST O FEASTx said:

Been playing for awhile now and getting bored lone wolfing it wouldnt mind teaming up if you have a spot still open.


live in the US Eastern time zone


Skype name: xBEAST O FEASTx  

*my post before this one had spelled my Skype name wrong 

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Hey guys your best bet is to come on the TS, I often forget to check back here until I bump the post again. The TS info is in the original post.


Bull, you can join the TS and we can chat to you and see what happens but in all honesty I doubt the guys would be ok with someone so young. However, you never know!

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