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Timma (DayZ)

Anyone else think your own footsteps "sound" to loud

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I am not talking about the audible range for zombie argo, or what other players can hear, but the actual volume your own footsteps make when you are moving about. On my system at least, it sounds like I am wearing tap shoes. At first I thought other players would be able to hear me for miles around, until I realized that other players movements were not nearly as loud as I thought they would be.

Can we have the in game sound of our footsteps lowered? Also, maybe rubber soled boots? Realizing this would be a significant overhaul that may not even be feasible, but a paper doll style inventory system would be cool. flak jackets, cold weather gear, accessories, etc would be fun, and add a little more "character development" to the game.

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OH, and try side strafing while crouched with a pistol, sounds like you have eight legs.

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