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Fix idea for server hopping

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Here's the idea: 15 or 20 minute global ban after D/C

Basically, when you DC from a server at any point, you have to wait 15-20 minutes to Reconnect. This wouldn't affect people who get into servers to play the game, but would effectively nerf people who server hop to get loot, as it would be grossly inefficient.

This would also nerf people who use ghosting as a tactical tool, since by the time one got into position on the other server, and then switched back, 40 minutes would have passed.

The cons would be that it would affect people who D/C due to no fault of their own, BUT at the worst they can stretch their legs and take a break. We are really just doing them a favor :p

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Sometimes I have to log outa server 3 times before Im actually in (not stuck at loading and stuff).

Worst case scenario an individual won't play dayz at all so it's just doing him a favor.. right?

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I perfer the idea I came up with 2 weeks ago: Different server then the one you were last logged in on? Reset to the coast (with your gear). That'll stop server hoppers and most disconnecters.

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15-20 minutes? Not everyone is some unemployed dude who can afford to waste 20 minutes every time they want to reconnect to a server. At least say like 5 and be reasonable.

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15-20 minutes? Not everyone is some unemployed dude who can afford to waste 20 minutes every time they want to reconnect to a server. At least say like 5 and be reasonable.

Server hoppers cry more.

Pick a server and play on it. And thanks for calling me unemployed but I'm a full time student with 2 jobs and 4.0 GPA.


Sometimes I have to log outa server 3 times before Im actually in (not stuck at loading and stuff).

Worst case scenario an individual won't play dayz at all so it's just doing him a favor.. right?

If possible, make it so that you need to have spawned on the server before the timeout will take effect. Otherwise, you should probably be a little more patient and let the game load, sometimes it takes a few minutes. It's an alpha.

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I "server hop," but not for strategic or loot reasons. Here are some examples:

Sometimes I like to just hunker down and watch a high-traffic area from afar (e.g., Elektro). If the server I'm on doesn't have anybody in Elektro, I might join another server.

I'm playing on a server and then find out that one of my buddies is on another server. If either of us joins the other server, we would be "server hopping" and thus subject to the penalties proposed here.

Why is server hopping such an issue? Sure, some people may game it to get more loot. Does their choosing to play that way really harm anyone else? Surely, it makes the game a less immersive experience for themselves, but that doesn't hurt the rest of us. Will they have better gear? Sure, but again, does that really hurt the rest of us? People who play for hours and hours every day will have great gear, but nobody complains that it somehow hurts the game for the rest of us. In any somewhat open-ended game like this, there will be people who manage to play a bit tricky around the edges, but that's just how they're choosing to play. Unless it substantively harms the experience for the rest of us, I don't see how it's something that needs to get fixed.

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alright, i believe i have an idea to effictively please everyone (thats commented so far). directly above, Razzmatazz gave some good reasons as to why people legitimately server hop. so, how about instead of this instant global ban thing after a disconnect, only have the global ban for people that do this constantly, life more then three times in an hour. or, some other bad thing other then a global ban. perhaps, you cant pick up loot for 2 or so minutes after a sever hop.

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alright' date=' i believe i have an idea to effictively please everyone (thats commented so far). directly above, Razzmatazz gave some good reasons as to why people legitimately server hop. so, how about instead of this instant global ban thing after a disconnect, only have the global ban for people that do this constantly, life more then three times in an hour. or, some other bad thing other then a global ban. perhaps, you cant pick up loot for 2 or so minutes after a sever hop.


That's sounding more reasonable. Although, I could see myself connecting to three different servers in an hour for legitimate reasons. E.g., first server ends up being night (I don't always play on the same servers, and I don't memorize the day-night cycles of each server), second server has nothing interesting going on, third server hits me with the ban.

If the major concern is server hopping for loot (which I'm not convinced is really a problem; see above), maybe the central DB could just track your last ten or so loot spawn locations, the server it spawned on, and the time it spawned. Before spawning loot, the server you're on checks to see if the loot location is one of the last ten you've spawned loot on another server in the last hour, and if it is, the new server just doesn't spawn the loot. Since it's location, server, and time specific, there is no penalty for staying on the same server. If you quit one day and come back the next day, the time aspect keeps you from getting penalized. This would potentially be a lot of overhead, and I'm just not sure it would be worth it. But I think it would be the best way to prevent this behavior if it is indeed behavior that should be prevented.

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Just have the 15minutes start when you join the server instead of when you disconnect. So people who play legit wouldn't even notice, but people trying to hop around to many servers would have to wait 15minutes every time.

Not that I agree with the idea in general, I just think this way would work better than counting from time of disconnect.

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No. Especialy since server resets and crash all the time.

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There is about 27845876259625987 threads saying exactly the same thing.

About 5 a day, for the past month. so 2 points.

1) Its been discussed to death. This isn't considered a good idea to fix it.


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Hey NEVER, say something useful or STFU... I read the forums regularly and I have not seen this exact idea so I digress, STFU.

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I never server hop, because I have no reason to. It would more likely piss me off, because it takes a while to load and I don't need more loot. I'm full already.

And I don't like this idea, what if someone gets killed, disconnects and connects to another server? Or what if there is a friend playing on another server, but you have to waste your time waiting?

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Why is server hopping such an issue? Sure' date=' some people may game it to get more loot. Does their choosing to play that way really harm anyone else? [/quote']

Yes, it makes the gear that they take inaccessible to the players who do not server hop ... until similar loot respawns.

From a non-server-hopper point of view, the rarity of an item is (num_of_that_item_in_server)/(num_of_players_on_server). From the server-hopper point of view the rarity is proportional to (good_items_in_that_location_across_all_servers)/(num_of_players_in_that_location_across_all_servers)

(NOTE: this is an intuition, not a tautology)

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i don't think that server hopping should be penalised. Many people have legitimate reasons to move from one server to another, sometimes in quick succession; ie. night time (despite time given in server descriptions), bad connections, disconnect by server, stuck on loading screen, to play with friends, to play on a less crowded server, to do something in real life (go to the loo, get a drink, something to eat - beanz, sardines, pasta of course), the list is endless.

Server hopping for loot or to ghost other players is crappy, but should the questionable game style of a small minority of players spoil things for everybody else?

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Why is server hopping such an issue? Sure' date=' some people may game it to get more loot. Does their choosing to play that way really harm anyone else? Surely, it makes the game a less immersive experience for themselves, but that doesn't hurt the rest of us. Will they have better gear? Sure, but again, does that really hurt the rest of us? People who play for hours and hours every day will have great gear, but nobody complains that it somehow hurts the game for the rest of us. In any somewhat open-ended game like this, there will be people who manage to play a bit tricky around the edges, but that's just how they're choosing to play. Unless it substantively harms the experience for the rest of us, I don't see how it's something that needs to get fixed.


"To get more loot" is the reason that people server hop.

"Dat mofo spawned in the barracks and shot me in the back as I was walking out the door JUST AFTER I looted it" is the reason people hate server hoppers... or at the very least, the reason my group and I hate server hoppers.

I shouldn't have to look over my shoulder as I'm walking out of a single-entrance building after I just went through and cleared every room, and most server hoppers that give me trouble are logging out in the back room of the Barracks. If you're clearing a building, definitely always watch your back, I just have a problem when I get shot in the back when I'm on my way OUT of a cleared building.

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"To get more loot" is the reason that people server hop.

"Dat mofo spawned in the barracks and shot me in the back as I was walking out the door JUST AFTER I looted it" is the reason people hate server hoppers... or at the very least, the reason my group and I hate server hoppers.

I shouldn't have to look over my shoulder as I'm walking out of a single-entrance building after I just went through and cleared every room, and most server hoppers that give me trouble are logging out in the back room of the Barracks. If you're clearing a building, definitely always watch your back, I just have a problem when I get shot in the back when I'm on my way OUT of a cleared building.

I agree with you in a sense, it is crappy. But what if that player had disconnected within that building 8 hours ago and was just connecting to play their favourite game. Sadly you were in the building at the same time and they spawned behind you! Bad luck!

It's unfortunate, yeah, but perhaps what really needs looking at here is a respawn mechanism that prevents a player respawning on a server within say, 50 metres or so of another player. If another player is within that range when you're going to respawn you have to wait until that player leaves that 50 m zone. Let's face it, most of us have to wait to get onto a server now, with receiving files, waiting for character to create or loading screens.

It would be different if they hopped servers just to flank you, but legitimate respawns aren't the problem.

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15-20 minutes? Not everyone is some unemployed dude who can afford to waste 20 minutes every time they want to reconnect to a server. At least say like 5 and be reasonable.

Server hoppers cry more.

Pick a server and play on it. And thanks for calling me unemployed but I'm a full time student with 2 jobs and 4.0 GPA.


Sometimes I have to log outa server 3 times before Im actually in (not stuck at loading and stuff).

Worst case scenario an individual won't play dayz at all so it's just doing him a favor.. right?

If possible' date=' make it so that you need to have spawned on the server before the timeout will take effect. Otherwise, you should probably be a little more patient and let the game load, sometimes it takes a few minutes. It's an alpha.


When did he call you unemployed?

OnT: Poor idea.

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The line between game and real life has to be drawn somewhere and I think where it is now with disconnecting is good where it is. MAYBE a delay before entering another server but thats all that could be done to not upset too many people.

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