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Confessions of a veteran (story time)

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Roaming the NWAF after last server crashed. I loot the tents at the end of the runway then venture to the closest jail barrack for loot. Suddenly I see a barrel stick out of the wall and some guy trying to shoot me. He is stuck in the wall. So after a while he realizes this isn’t working and jibbers a lot of Russian. To save him the effort of trying to understand me I type simply ‘Hey’. He then types ‘Hey, help me.’ I did attempt to as it was the kind thing to do. I showed him to lie down and roll out. It didn’t work but eventually he broke free and ended up in the bottom room. He then speaks in VON ‘I’m friendly please don’t shoot’. I say ‘Okay’ and he comes out to the hallway where I was at the end closest the entrance. He has his weapon out and as soon as he moves his gun to shoot a few shots at me I dart out the front door. Fucking Russians.


I take the little alcove of the jail barrack as cover so I can 3rd person see around the corner but they can’t see me directly. Then another less armed guy coming from the direction of the tents runs from the woods into the building without seeing me. I expect him to die as soon as he enters but nope he is fine. They must be in a group. The less armed guy then runs out the building and darts straight towards me so I gun him down before he can react. This is where shit gets good.


I then intend to wait out the armed guy and kill him for being a devious bitch. Unfortunately DayZ never goes as expected because I hear reloading from the industrial garage which is directly behind me. Kinda expected it to be DayZ’s sound bug where random noises happen but then I see the guy as he tries to shoot me so I strafe and return fire as he misses every shot. Expecting him to be hiding inside I run round to the back so I can 3rd person view where he is. To my surprise he has gone and after later events I expect he ghosted.


So I then circled the hangar which is right next to the industrial garage and head into the treeline and watch the dead body of their friend, waiting for them to loot. 2 minutes later the two guys run out of the jail barrack and one loots while the other circles the building clearly searching for me. I wait till they both return in close proximity and fire at the Russian who tried to kill me to start with as I had seen his Acog. I then shot at the other guy who instantly disappeared as my shots headed his way. Fucking combat logged on me. So I waited 5 minutes to see if he returned then circled back round the hangar to check for more players. I then stole ammo and Acog and any valuables which were not destroyed but needed nothing as had already geared myself out.


One of my pet hates of the mod and SA are combat loggers. They are the worst kind of cowards and on the mod when I was on servers with nametags I would search their name in DayZCommander and join the server to kill them. I got a reputation for it in my old community and it was so satisfying to get the kill on top of exterminating a combat logger.


Got any stories you would like to share?


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I will just post this from a topic I posted on a while ago


back in the mod days I had a nice little community we had some cows close by that we used for food and a pound for water.
we all had a gun,water bottle and hunting knife , and our own tent.
There was a big fire we used to cook food,it was paradise.
Then it all changed the day those bastards attacked.
most of us where online we where sitting around the camp fire when we heard a shot,sounded like a dmr,we all got up and got our guns ready.
our sniper on the ridge said that he could not see who shot,we got ready to take cover when a guy got taken down one shot.
we could not tell if he was alive but we could not slow down so we left him.
I had a m14 aim and these shots seemed like a sniper so we had to try to wait em out.
as we where hiding in the tree line i think we lost another man but I was ok.still thats when we saw 3 or so guys coming from he tree line.
any one who had a good range gun like a ar shot the guys with the shot gun began to run off to the sniper ridge,I was shooting at the 3 guys (1 had camo clothes the others where bandits)
They had full auto guns and one guy had a lmg.
The sniper was still up on the hill taking shots at us.
I was kinda just cowering behind a tree and because I am not a good fighter I wanted to run but had a long range gun.
i was shooting at these guys that where pretty much in the open but that sniper made us want to stay safe.
The guy with the lmg was shooting the tree my best buddies was behind  to shreds,he got shot in the arm and got knocked out and never woke up.......
At this point the lmg guy ran out of bullets so I shot him dead.
at this point there was 2 of them and 4 of us including me and the sniper
so we thought we could take em,we where wrong 
one of the guys threw a grande at us,it blew up our tents but did not kill anyone.
With the safe zone in ruins we where ready to just run we had a car up by the sniper we did not bring it into the camp because we wanted to be safe.
There was one issue the only car left was a pick up and only had two seats.
We made our way up the hill on a slant so we could keep running and the sniper took out one of my buddies now there is only 3 of us including the sniper up on the hill.
We made it up there and the sniper had the car runnning he typed out saying that one of us will have to stay.
 the other guy (not the sniper) said that he will run off to the near by air field and that we can drive away.
I got in the pasanger seat and the sniper jumped in the drivers seat and we where off.
The other guy ended up dying on his way to the air field.
I parted ways with the sniper and lived out the rest of my days in some small town in the north.
Edited by meat pie
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I spawned on the coast and went prone on the road because some bandits were spawn killing.  I went AFK to get noodles since I just spawned and I was hungry.

Came back to a bandit with a gas mask humping me and making sex noises, so I got up and punched him in the face, and punch the crap out of him.

Took his M4 and gear, killed all the bandits.


Bandits must be so bored these days if they have to spawn camp new spawn for no reason and hump us.

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