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Receiving... Error

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I've been playing DayZ Standalone, and around every 30 minutes to a hour or so the game will present itself with a loading screen displaying 'Receiving...', while my screen is showing receiving... I can hear game sounds and even be killed. I can usually leave the game running for a good 5-10 minutes with no avail while the game continues to show me the message of receiving... I can exit the game and re-join another server and be in the same exact spot as I logged off but, the same error will usually come back shortly after re-joining in another server.


Also every once in awhile the game will display an error message about not loading minimaps, I've re-installed this game about twice now, and the problem is still occurring. 

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Shot in the dark here, but try updating your graphics drivers. If your maintaining connection, it seems like it could have something to do with rendering.

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Try verifying your files on Steam. Turn down your settings, all the way to lowest.


Oh, and your specs. We need those :D

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Shot in the dark here, but try updating your graphics drivers. If your maintaining connection, it seems like it could have something to do with rendering.

My GPUs are both updated, I don't think that seems to be the problem.


Try verifying your files on Steam. Turn down your settings, all the way to lowest.


Oh, and your specs. We need those :D

My computer specs are

i7-920 4GHz


Two 6950s

I did try turning the game specs down just to low, but not very low. I'll have to try this when I get home. And I can re-verify once more when I get back home. Will update when I get back, thanks for the feedback.

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