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atmaca (DayZ)

Hide server player count

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Why do we see player list or player count anyway? Not knowing how many people are around would improve the tension by a lot.


You know when the server is like 3/40 you won't see a goddamn person while running all the shoreside. So you just sprint all the way and don't give a shit. BUT if you wouldn't know how many players around, you'd watch your ass all the time.


Wouldn't that be better?

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You have my beans, sir. But, I am sure there must be some glaring technicality that makes this unfeasible... wait for following posts 

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Good idea.

Might help guide players towards are more realistic approach, instead of looking for 40/40 KOS servers, after they've server hopping on the 0/40 servers all day. 

Might reduce server hopping until there's a fix.

I like this because servers are like musical chairs. I enter an empty server, I leave because too many player are jumping in/out. I enter a moderate server, either people empty out soon after, creating a server hoppers paradise or it turns into a 40/40 server. I enter a full server, to find server hoppers having fun with their ill-gotten gains, generally a more aggressive server, along with 1337 snipers camping for teh cheap thrillz.

I want to encounter players, but knowing that they're gonna shoot you 24/7, takes the interest out of the game. Might as well play Arma 3.

Making server counts invisible would be interesting. I'm sure it would be an experiment and I can't see the harm it could do to try for a month, it is Alpha after all....    

Edited by DaveZ

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