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Character Wipe

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So I just recently lost my character, I had quite a lot of equipment so I'm pretty bummed. All I want is to know why this happened. Not sure if bug or just a series of unfortunate events.




    I spawned at the north-east airfield to do some looting with a buddy. I spawn in before him and start looting, no issues so far. Go upstairs in the eastern most building and find ammo (green shotgun) on top of some handcuffs, I had to move the ammo in order to pick-up the cuffs. I started noticing the lag after picking up the cuffs, the lag was only a delay in actions as well, my character didn't teleport around. No doors would open promptly, and trying to manage my pack/ pick up objects would take several seconds if it worked at all. Thinking it was internet issues I started server hopping to try an find one with a good connection. After switching to several servers with the same issue I decided to drop everything I had grabbed on the first server, which was the cuffs and I think an IV kit. The lag noticeably subsided, thinking I was in the clear I exited to rejoin my friend. Upon joining the server my character had been wiped and had spawned in a different location. Tried another server after this but no change.


Does anyone have a clue as to why it happened?


EDIT: Thanks for the replies. I figured it was just a glitch due to Alpha, just wanted to double check I didn't cause it.

Edited by TheFriskyFox

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It's an alpha, server wipes and player resets are happening on a fairly frequent basis. Don't get bummed, look at it as a chance to hone your Bambi skills. This will probably be going on for a while, so you'd better start getting used to it. I personally enjoy the resets 'cause there's very little to do once geared up, other than PvP, which is fine for a while (I'm one who tracks people, wait for them to KoS, then kill them as punishment).

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I have been wiped 10+ times not counting database wipes. It finally stopped when I tried these things. First advice, stick to one server and you'll most likely not get wiped. Second, if you are changing servers a lot, stick to servers with 5+ people. For some reason I haven't been wiped since. If you do get wiped again, DONT TOUCH ANYTHING, log off the server. If you're character at the main screen isn't a fresh character then you're good to try to find another. Just some pointers.

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Two sure ways to get your character wiped:


1) Instantly joining another server if you receive the 'No Message has been received for x seconds'

2) Hitting exit when at the 'Waiting for host' or 'Please wait' screens


My theory is your character is caught in limbo by the server, and your character hasn't been sent back to the main hive. If you start again with your new character, and start picking up items, your new character is going to override your character on the main hive. if you immediately log out, and wait a few minutes, your original character should return.

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So I just recently lost my character, I had quite a lot of equipment so I'm pretty bummed. All I want is to know why this happened. Not sure if bug or just a series of unfortunate events.




    I spawned at the north-east airfield to do some looting with a buddy. I spawn in before him and start looting, no issues so far. Go upstairs in the eastern most building and find ammo (green shotgun) on top of some handcuffs, I had to move the ammo in order to pick-up the cuffs. I started noticing the lag after picking up the cuffs, the lag was only a delay in actions as well, my character didn't teleport around. No doors would open promptly, and trying to manage my pack/ pick up objects would take several seconds if it worked at all. Thinking it was internet issues I started server hopping to try an find one with a good connection. After switching to several servers with the same issue I decided to drop everything I had grabbed on the first server, which was the cuffs and I think an IV kit. The lag noticeably subsided, thinking I was in the clear I exited to rejoin my friend. Upon joining the server my character had been wiped and had spawned in a different location. Tried another server after this but no change.


Does anyone have a clue as to why it happened?


Character wipes can be caused by a number of things including glitches/bugs, server not using updated files, server not whitelisted to public hive and server desync with public hive.


If you server hop a lot, then you risk getting your character wiped...A LOT.

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rule one...


Dont get attached to your gear....



besides you can replace anything you had in 2 hours or less.



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