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Where are people finding the Mosin?

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Hey all,


I did a quick search but didn't find anything that really answers the question.


I am either A. very unlucky or B.  Not looking in the right places.  I just wanted to see where others have found the mosin as I have only found one and that was weeks ago.  So far I have been lucky in that my current character is 3 weeks old and I have run the map at least twice.


So...where have you found the mosin?



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Use the search function. The earlier thread is probably on page 2 by now..

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I have found a Mosin in a house... one that has a piano in a room with a bunch of shelves... can't remember more than that.. I would bet the mosin spawn rate in these places is low. Another building to check(a building that has never failed to have a gun atop it for me) would be Police Stations (That's what I call them). Its the building that has three stories and on the second there are two doors out to the first story's roof and the third story only has one room you can go in and in that room on one of the shelves should be either a Mosin or a M4

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Go to Riffy, use a map if you have to. It's on the coast on the northeast side of the map. Every time I go I find at least 2-3, it's almost impossible not seeing one. I've found in a burnout car once, but I've found probably 6 at Riffy in 7 tries.

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