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Embarrassing DayZ Experiences , Share Your Own !

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My god , i died on the same ladder , 5 times in a row . there was an guy fully geared ( silenced m4 , never touched one )  in one of those small green watch towers at the Balota airfield. the second i arrived up on it i was propulsed  backwards . once 20 feet in the air . I'm positive there was a new spawn laughing his ass off watching me die ( luckily i respawned close to balota each time ). 

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Finish this saying... "Glitch me once, shame on you. Glitch me twice, shame on me. Glitch me five times, ..." 

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Finish this saying... "Glitch me once, shame on you. Glitch me twice, shame on me. Glitch me five times, ..." 

At least i got a silenced m4 and pristine gear out of it :D

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I keep losing full ammo boxes because I put them down and forget to pick them up before running off. Same when I have an M4 and a Mosen. I switch to compass, then run away forgetting I dropped my rifle on the floor because I was holding it due to the rifle on my back.

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I played for the third time today and found Mosin. You would say "great!" but what is Mosin worth without the ammo? I think it is even worse - everyone sees you have a gun :)


Of course 3 minutes after I found a gun, I met another player. Ammo or no ammo, Mosin looked dangerous enough that the guy raised his hands. OK, I didn't want to attack him (and I couldn't to be honest) so I run away a bit and started looking for any loot. After a minute or so the same guy came attacked me with a spanner - GOD IT WAS EMBARASSING, having a gun without ammo, and a guy beating the s* of you with a spanner. Of course I immediately started bleeding like a pig. 


It was really bad but I managed to run away a bit and attack him with my bare hands  in narrow corridor, rendering him unconscious. I took all the pills he had on him. That will teach him. To be honest - I am not 100% sure he died, maybe he woke up after a while, lol (is it possible?)


Really interesting encounter, I start to understand why people kos

Edited by Ghua

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