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New to the Mod. Couple (probably dumb) questions

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I've followed dayz for a long time. I picked up the SA when it came out and have since put over 100 hours into it.


So, I decided to go backwards and try the mod finally. ArmaII and OA were on sale on steam for the holidays so I got it.


Being used to the SA, trying to navigate the mod using knowledge of the SA will literally get you no where really fast. First, I wasn't sure which version to play. I saw several thousand Epoch servers, so after finding this program called DayZ Commander, I installed the Epoch mod. I tried my hardest to find rmod and make it work but idk if I was successful.


Upon my initial spawn near cherno, I was immediately killed by a horde of zombies. I think I made it 5 steps and had like 10 zombies on me. They were everywhere.. I think I could probably count 50 just within my immediate area when I spawned. I made the mistake of thinking they would die in 1 shot like the SA too and tried to stand and fight them.


I left and went to another server.


I spawned in a similar location. This time there were just as many zombies, but they were all walking/hopping around like gorillas on all 4's. I also died to the horde as soon as I started to move towards town.


I left the server and went to another one.


This one (i think) was a vanilla server. It claimed to be. I spawned and again, was immediately surrounded by a horde and died.


I don;t get it? I know there has to be a way to get away from your spawn point. I tried sneaking and going prone. Both of which got me killed. If I move, I'm immediately attacked by every zombie I can see and I have pretty much no way of fighting back since I can only kill with head shots (if I spawn with a gun) and they run so fast and jerky/glitchy I can;t shoot them until they are right in front of me attacking me.


Am I missing something? Should I just uninstall and go back to the SA? I would like to have fun with both the mod and the SA.


Also, the controls and navigating the inventory system tripped me out. I watched a video about it and figured it out. But while I was watching the videos on the Mod, most of the people doing tutorials for new people were spawning in nice, quiet areas with no zombies around. Did I just have bad luck? Are all the mod servers so full of zombies you can't walk around? How do you get started as a new person who is only experienced in the SA?

Edited by BLFonsworth

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You get within about 30 or so meters of a zombie in the mod and you best be crouched and not sprint crouching! The zombies in the mod are, once you get used to how they agro, a cakewalk for the most part. I don't really know how much different from the SA they are as I have not had near the dynamic nor the degree of encounters with them as I have in the mod. What I do know is that it is way easier to get away from the zombies in the mod. You just gotsta break the line of sight (same principles as SA... just a bit different). Anyway. I'd say stick with playing the mod as it has a LOT more content to offer than the SA. It will be YEARS before the SA has near the content the mod does

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the zombies in the SA are really just 'place holders', they are not really a threat (yet). The zombies in the MOD are... There are huge differences in the dynamics of zombies between SA and MOD, besides what you see. Thats said, for now stealth from the first minute spawned (in the MOD) is paramount. 'New' spawn is random...



Edited by BelMarduk

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Thanks for the quick replies! I get what ya'll are saying. I watch the sight/sound indicator pretty close. My problem was, I was spawning in spots that zombies 5 feet from my face and I was being immediately attacked. I was even going prone immediately upon spawning, without taking any steps, and still getting agro from zombies and getting killed.


Should I just keep respawning until I get a better starting spot?

Edited by BLFonsworth

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I have never had that problem of spawning INTO zombie agro... so I can't help ya there. But, maybe try some fresh spawning. Remember that zombies as well as loot spawn when a player is within 150 meters or so... so maybe you have just been spawning into a place where there are already lots of players

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I have never had that problem of spawning INTO zombie agro... so I can't help ya there. But, maybe try some fresh spawning. Remember that zombies as well as loot spawn when a player is within 150 meters or so... so maybe you have just been spawning into a place where there are already lots of players


I will try dying/respawning a few times and see if I get better luck. I wasn't sure if this was normal or not, especially since it happened every time I tried.

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Usually, as a fresh spawn, I will be at least 50 meters away from the nearest zombie...  So, yeah. Sounds like some bad luck man

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I'd suggest playing the mod before playing SA just to get a feel of it. One of the most important things with zombies in the mod is the path finding, you can run them in circles. They also can't run inside buildings (medical tents excluded) I've always found out running them to be the most effective method, don't try and fight them unless you're well armed.

Since 1.8 they've been buffed up to super zombies on crack with 3 times the attack speed and up to 5 times the damage.

Looting with a lot of zombies around takes practice, it often requires you to identify items while still on the ground, then run in a circle and pick the items up while the zombies are still running.

Just become familiar with them and how they agro/move etc.

Edited by Wanji

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To BLFonsworth..

Go onto the default DayZ mod. Those other mods are not that good for giving you the DayZ experience. Here is a link to some steps I gave to this other guy:



Follow those steps and play the game. Go on a low pop server and get the feel of it. Watch Youtube videos and guides. I'm sorry if its frustrating for you but the game will exponentially get better. Especially as your skill level increases. Take a look at this post and read Jonas comment.




Good luck..




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