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Early/Pr-Players is kept throughout the Updates and Versions

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Greetings to all survivors, bandits and Heroes,


I can say on behalf of everyone who supported the DayZ (Both Mod and Standalone), that as the game development progresses and becomes more broaden, with every update and the movement from Alpha to Beta and finally the Completion stage of the entire game and the future updates afterwards...it would be awesome that we can all continue our character progress and development instead of restarting all over again through beta stage and so forth. We 'DayZers' (DayZ Users) would appreciate that all the effort and assistance in making this game one of a kind and possibly the Best Zombie-Horror-Survival MMO RPG game. I remember in the DayZ Mod when we all lose our character development every-time the entire games gets a improvement make-over. Hopefully Dean Hall will stumble upon this message and take into consideration of what I suggested. It would be gratifying to know that players who have been supporting the development can keep everything their character has throughout the entire development of the game as an acknowledgement that we achieved this through helping 'Rocket' make this game the way we all dreamed of.

Appreciate anyone else who supports this and has thought about it but never wrote a suggestion for it yet.
Have a Nice Day to All and Happy Surviving! ^ ^

Edited by Illuminum99

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Yeah, nice thought but at the same time it only makes sense that a fresh stage brings a fresh start for everyone. It levels the playing field and gives you the opportunity to go forth and maybe discover something new and exciting that's been introduced with Beta, be it good or bad it still needs to be found.


I'm all cool with global character wipes and I have a feeling one is just around the corner when they eventually get a handle on server hopping and the latest craze of character duping.

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I admire the fact that you expect to live long enough on a single character, for that to be relevant.


Don't get me wrong, I do too... I just expect to be proven wrong ;)

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database wipes are inevitable and needed for many reasons

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being 'alpher' right now, that by definition means things get added, removed, tweaked etc... When major tweaks, additions, removal happens, the database wipes are for two primary reasons (and we could come up with hundreds more). First and fore most is 'we' the players are not really doing the 'testing' from the point of view that the devs are running the tests, and they need (many times) fresh 'data sets' to see what the 'changes' they make do.

Kinda like in the MOD, when the AS50 was removed, it took weeks (months?) for all the AS50's to finally me completely removed from the game. The second thing is immediate 'balance' (although tied directly with the first point) on the new build. Balance for the players.

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That's why I'm hoping before the consideration of restarting all character development, there should be a status of every character that has killed, saved or the duration. Then the game has a system where players who have a good or very good reputation can keep their character development. I'm theorizing that in the near future when the majority of players have realized that the main intention of the game is not only survive but to unite together as a species or massive army where there's a regulated system where it's logical to ask and recruit new players. Eventually if that's the outcome for DayZ, I'm pretty sure it will give a notification and acknowledgment to 'Rocket' as a sign that the majority of players are ready for some extreme hardcore survival by increasing the mass of walkers (zombies) 10 fold. It will test our loyalty, trust and .teamwork with each other and makes those who are new aware that it's a 'Zombie-Apocalypse-Survival' game. It will give much more awareness for all players in the game and realizing the real intention behind all the looting and gearing up.


These are just suggestions hence why it's categorized in the suggestion section.

Edited by Illuminum99

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