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Most Memorable Moments .

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So, My most memorable moment is waiting for a friend of mine at the ACT in NWAF , when all of the sudden "My stomach grumbles" -.- , which is normal !!?? (I'm not high btw) . Anyways, I proceed to go and pick up a can of spaghetti to quinch my hunger O.o? , and the moment I grab dat thing into my bag , I instantly teleport through the fence and onto the air , where virtual gravity does it's job killing me the moment I touch the ground





This is my most memorable moment in DayZ, What's yours ??

P.s It doesn't have to be a glitch or a bug . Did I mention I had best gear in the game ? I did ! (All pristine M4, ACOG, Suppressor(which doesn't work BTW FIX DIS SHIT)

^_^ I still love the game !

Edited by kalashinkov

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