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Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

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dayz has already turned into a team death match, its heros vs bandits with bambi's in the cross fire, nothing is going to change that. thats what makes dayz so much fun for me, its a hardcore death match/ survival game. 


and yea my time line is pushing it (kinda about alot) with a console realese, but it will happen, if the standalone finale product is amazing, then this game will be for console


And the excuse about how microsoft charges for update is so lame. all the money they would make im sure they wouldnt break the bank with patches


I just wanna see this game reach its full potential, i could care less what platform it comes out on


"Pc Master Race" is lame, PC can upgrade its part thats about it, their lil kids on mommy and daddys computers now more then ever, and PC games have way  more hackers who so happen almost always are 12 years old  

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I'll admit here that I'm not 100% sure on how they have their servers are structured. By a dedicated server you can assume that the hardware is running that game server exclusively. What is more realistic is you will find one unit running 5 servers (random number, as I said I'm not 100%) yet that in itself can still be considered a dedicated server and these units are all over the world. Then what you get is the privately hired servers which you can expect to find one unit running not only multiple game servers for DayZ but also other servers for other games which could end up being over 10 servers. Now these systems will be good but for the host company the money is made by generating maximum income so they are stretched to the absolute limit but by whatever agreements are made these are then linked with the official hive.


Now back to Ping. It doesn't matter what your particular ping is because there can be multiple players with pings over 200 on your server and in your case it's them dragging you down as the server is doing millions of calculations every second trying to ensure all characters, loot, zombies etc are on the same page so it waits for the rest to catch up which is giving you a yellow chain. You will get red chain when you are the one doing catch up basically. Now to explain that further Yellow is essentially lag where you are waiting for events to catch up or you are slightly out of sync, red is complete desync where info is not being received/processed by the server and shit will rubberband once connection is re-established.


Now unfortunately there is nothing much that can be done about it and this is seen in pretty much every online game ever, they just dont give you pretty coloured chains to let you know it's happening. What would be nice is some sort of internet smoothing capacitor where all the data is taken in one area, synced and flowed to the game server fluidly and the same on the way out back to you but that would cause massive amounts of latency and would break everything near and dear to gamers. Basically as far as lag and desync are concerned we have to get used to it and accept it because untill everyone has 100Mb up and down internet and all gaming servers are set up in farms, in space equidistant from everyone, everywhere, this shit's going to be around.



thanks for taking time to write all that, but then the debate starts again get better servers to handle all the work that needs to be done, this is a big time game being held back from a lack of muscle aka money 

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Why does everyone call Rocket "Dean Hall" now? I get that it's his name and all, but it just feels weird.

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