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Server hopping!!!!!!?

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At this point players are able to go to a military base with military buildings or tents and then loot them and then switch to a low pop server and loot them again. They repeat this until they have all the best loot in the game. Witch only takes them a few server hops. Then they go kill noobs until they die. How will this be fixed? Beause to me its a game breaker.

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Hi, welcome to the forums, try a search,  this may very well be the 1,000,000th thread on this ;)

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At this point players are able to go to a military base with military buildings or tents and then loot them and then switch to a low pop server and loot them again. They repeat this until they have all the best loot in the game. Witch only takes them a few server hops. Then they go kill noobs until they die. How will this be fixed? Beause to me its a game breaker.


I agree 100%! Once they put something in to stop this I'll play. Doesnt take skill what so ever to get gear when players are constantly doing this

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I agree 100%! Once they put something in to stop this I'll play. Doesnt take skill what so ever to get gear when players are constantly doing this


its no worse then loot cycling when they add respawning loot, get ready for that~

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Like i said search around the forums, i think at this stage its all speculation though. I would say that we arent acctually playing Dayz atm, we are testing. Helping the team solve basic server issues. Hopping for loot isnt really a problem in the testing phase,  its more a gameplay issue. One that dosent need fixing till much closer to release. Sure would be nice, but not exactly needed right now :)

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It will be fixed! This is an early alpha so there maybe many things in the next year that aren't intended but are game breakers. Technically when you're testing a game there aren't any game breakers because you are here to test it.

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if you hate it so much then camp one of the military buildings and wait for people to log on inside it and kill them, its better loot and more fun.

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