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Shags (DayZ)

In game VOIP - Help needed.

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Hi Guys,


I use a Plantronics Gamecom 777 USB headset.


I cant get the in game voip to work with this headset...


Can anyone assist me set it up?

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Try running it as an admin

you also need to make sure its set as your default microphone

Edited by Star Thornberry

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Connect the device to your computer. 


Seriously? - Gee thanks. You must be the brains of the operation.  :rolleyes:


Can anyone here assist me please ;) Serious request.  :thumbsup:

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Thank you Star, i will try those and come back too let you know what hap...

Edited by Shags

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Make sure the mic is set to your default device in playback options.



Also connect the device to your computer (lol)

Edited by Andromeda

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Guess what, I disconnected the device and it worked... Shows just how much your Smart A$$'s know!  <_<


Thank you Star for your advice, that got it working.  :thumbsup:

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