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Please, no "xxxx was killed" message.

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There should NOT be "Player XXX was killed" messages in this game.

I see a lot of people sniping from long distance, and that message is a dead giveaway if they hit or not. Diving for prone after first shot is heard and missed, is not as effective if they know they haven't killed you due to no message popping up..

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I'm pretty sure this is just a bug on some servers right now. It's not intended to be like that!

(On a server i was playing the other day, the admin shut down the server for 10 minutes and when it came back up he said "Ok, the death messages are fixed, they should no longer appear now.")

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You just need to find a server where death messages are disabled, most of them don't have the death message, the one that says who killed who, but I think all the servers do have the option to globaly announce when someone dies.

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