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DayZ Standalone: BattlEye client not responding

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I believe there was some misunderstanding on my other thread but this issue is from the DayZ Standalone and not the mod and is ****UNRESOLVED***.




After joining any server, I am kicked off for BattlEye Client not responding after 30 seconds.






I have been searching for a few days and after buying DayZ and still haven't found a solution. I bought the game and still haven't able to play it.


I have updated BattlEye, disabled firewall, reinstalled DayZ, and forwarded my ports and still come up with the same problem.

Edited by BunionClad

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I believe there was some misunderstanding on my other thread but this issue is from the DayZ Standalone and not the mod and is ****UNRESOLVED***.




After joining any server, I am kicked off for BattlEye Client not responding after 30 seconds.






I have been searching for a few days and after buying DayZ and still haven't found a solution. I bought the game and still haven't able to play it.


I have updated BattlEye, disabled firewall, reinstalled DayZ, and forwarded my ports and still come up with the same problem.


Fresh install of Windows will fix that right up.  I know people don't want to hear that, but it's true.  After all of the crap you've installed over the past 2 years... Might be time for some fresh.


Good Luck!

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Hey guys i MIGHT have solution. This is what worked for me. If it doesn't work for you i'm sorry. 

Go to Start then computer then on local disk (HARDDRIVE) Right, properties and there should be something saying "Disk Cleanup" Click on it and delete some stuff in there. Thats what worked for me.


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