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Saloon, Public bar, Meeting place, etc

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First up, love the game even in it's current state.


Imagine a meeting place, like a post apocalyptic public bar where you check all deadly weapons at the door.

You can meet other players, trade stuff, plan stuff, gain some trust and make alliances.

Maybe a bulletin board where you can check out the "most wanted" bandits, where they were last seen, where they hang out, maybe a photograph if somebody has found a working camera.

Of course there maybe some fist fights, you can't take too much control away from us without ruining the game or destroying the spirit of the game.

I think it could spur some interesting scenario's once the game has a bit more depth.

Just an idea.

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no and no, I can meet in bars with other people but dont take away constant danger from being killed

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no safezones.


The game is what the players make of it.


That last part needs quoting everywhere, BeanZ for you sir.

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If you want to have a safe place, MAKE ONE.

Post guards on the door, lookouts on the roof of nearby buildings, search people as they enter.

The game isn't about forcing safezones, it's about giving players the chance to do pretty much anything they want and not restricting play with unrealistic 'gamey' mechanics.

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A safe zone is not really what I had in mind but with weapons the place would obviously be a blood bath.

Weapons could be dropped in some kind of safe box before entrance.

What ever goes on inside would be completely player generated, disputes could be handled outside (or inside via fists)

The etiquette inside would be policed entirely by the players themselves.

Of course such a place would carry risks and I imagine outside would be dangerous.

You could be bragging about the sweet m4 you picked up and get axed in the head the second you step out.

You could avoid such a place or you could go there and plan some crazy event, raids, or find a traveling buddy who you may or may not be able to trust, etc.

I think it could make for some interesting interactions.

Such a place would have to be integrated in a way that it doesn't detract from the spirit of the game but adds a level of depth for those that want it.


Anyways it's just an idea i'm putting out there for discussion, and I think once radio transmissions are in place we may see this kind of player organisation (that will no doubt end up in a massacre)

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this is a hardcore game and i like it this way no safezone no vender no ingame money , only one character slot, so no sorry :(

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Handcuff people before they're aloud in, search them fully remove all weapons and give them a nickname which is assigned to their weapon as they leave.

I can see a few bar fights happening though.

The barkeep will have to have his own shotgun and motorbike helmet.

It would be nice to do especially if you could build things to block of certain doors with (destructible) barricades.

Build a bit of cover for lookouts to avoid them getting sniped.

Let no two people leave within 30 seconds of each other to avoid gunfights right outside shop.

Would be a cool player run thing to operate.

Use bullets as currency, you'd need a good 6+ very patient people to run it though.

Maybe just make it a full on arms selling, hospital, general store while you're at it.

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Partially i agree. Which part? Cherno needs many recognizable places, like some abandoned  pubs, bars, nosheries  etc. (but with different nameplates). If someone was played Operation Flashpoint, then maybe he remembers last mission, about meeting with comrades in a pub. (Yes, maybe not too many action, but still as attempt to be close to realism).

And because Dayz is presumed to be a place to many stories by people, they need more landmarks, not only names of cities and villages.


What about weapons, if you invite some people to meet and give them guidances, then that depends by you. Again, depends on what kind of meeting  - with comrades, or with the unknown traders of guns,ammo, drugs etc.

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The idea is great, but as people said it should be player made. Anyway the devs could promote this stuff by adding content that would make it more easy or lets say "accessible".

Little example: when people had to hand their weapons over before entering the building they want to be sure they get their stuff back when they exit. You could stick a note to a container with a number on it and give the guy who dropped his weapon a note with the same number. Maybe even some kind of signing so people cant fake the notes.

But allways stay to the roots: players make DayZ.

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