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Hairy Houdini

My first few dayz

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First encounter. I spawn at the beach, and head what seems to be East. I eventually come across a man wearing a biker helmet. I start to speak with him. After sharing some words about locations, loot, etc, we part ways never to be seen again.


My second encounter. Me and a buddy are adventuring through the lands completely clueless, hungry, and thirsty. FINALLY - not a mirage, but the sweet sight of a drinking hole. We run up and gorge ourselves. Running down the road, we spot a sprinter, immediately yelling into the mic to see if he's friendly. He seems very cautious. I tell him where the drinking hole is at, just up the hill and offer to run him there. He declines and says he can find it on his own. We continue on. 5 minutes later, he comes sprinting back to us and we agree to try and travel together to the nearest big town (unknown to us at this time). We run, run,run along. But wait. He's got a backpack on. I've heard of these but.. never seen one in person. I get the itch. I tell my friend over Skype that I want that backpack real bad. My inventory is overflowing. The poor chap walks up to a billboard of some sorts, starts laughing "hey guys come look hahaha". I take initiative immediately. I start bashing him in with my bat and immediately my friend follows suit with the wrench. Needless to say, I arrived at the town with inventory space to spare.


Third encounter: Came across a friendly dude who seemed pretty knowledgeable but there was.. something weird about him going on. I didn't trust him off the bat (was alone atm). We ran along and started to make our way to what seemed like a giant parking garage/complex on the top of a hill. He said there was usually good loot here. We entered, he started looking and went upstairs, I stayed down low. Didn't see much and wandered a bit outside - to my surprise - a person crouched over, bleeding profusely. I took immediate action and beat them in with my shovel. In a blind craze, I looted all that he had (and that sweet, sweet backpack) filling my inventory as I still faintly hear the guy speaking within the complex. I turn around, and to my horror: 4 dead bodies, all with gear on, strewn across the grass. No time to wait. I looted as much as I could. I could now hear this "comrade" of mine "hey man, you still there? where you at?" No. No. No. I sprinted, sprinted as fast and as far as I could down that grassy knoll. And when I was far, far away, a single shot whizzed across my head.


15/10 would adventure, again and again.

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You seem like a lovely fellow.

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Not always! But sometimes you do what you need to do to survive...


Did you know: Lying perfectly still reduces your chance of being spotted? 

That's one way to survive. 


Obviously, move when necessary.

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