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New Transportation

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Hey so I was thinking it might not be a bad idea to maybe add in some new custom vehicles in such. Now this is something that mean my friends and I put a lot of time into thinking about even before we knew about standalone. If anybody else has any ideas that fall under this category would like to support our ideas feel free to comment and post them in this forum.




Our first idea was to not use the train tracks as decoration but mode of transportation that you get points for your with the hero and bandit lifestyles. Basically his last train keeps running or you fix it you get raised up a level or get points towards raising up a level or if you decide to make it stop working or hijack it you get level points decreased.


The second idea we had was also to give another decoration purpose. We thought it might be interesting to make those blue four wheeled trailers movable and fixable with their own set of custom parts such as wheels and trailer hitches and glass as more standard parts. While you could also upgrade them with things such as locks and tracking devices or something for security but is also hackable for stealing and bandit purposes


Our third idea was make it possible to load ATVs and bikes into the bed of pickup trucks and Urals using buildable or findable ramps.


The fourth idea touching back to the second is to make flatbed trailers that are used for the same purpose as the ramps and idea three.


Our fifth and final idea as of now was to add in more ATV like vehicles such as an Argo that can fit 2 to 3 people, is amphibious and has 6 to 8 tires. But also might be fun is to have multiple versions of it like in real life. This would also have been its own special parts such as a hull, tracks that go over the wheels, and be able to tow a small trailer designed only for ATVs and such.


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I liked the towing mechanism some servers had in mod, but ya small vehicles stuffed in large vehicles would be cool.

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I think this is a good idea but i wouldn't expect to see anything vehicle related till beta.

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