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Throwing out some ideas

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I'm going to throw a few ideas out there, see what everybody thinks of them:


-Camouflage - yes, we can all equip tan and brown clothing and wear a green motorcycle helmet and try to be stealthy, but I was thinking of idea to have more extensive camouflage.  I saw a suggestion for face paint - this would help - and would like to add a ghillie suit to that.  This would have to be a fairly rare item, I would say more rare than the Mosin, this way chances are you will have a rifle by the time you have the suit, and not many people in the world will have one.  It could also be that there is a limited amount of ghillie suits in the map so everybody can't have one.


-Storage - alternate methods of storage might be nice, in addition to the backpacks.  These would have to have repercussions though, for example, if I were to have a large crate full of supplies, I would only be able to carry it, and would have to drop it on the ground any time I needed to drink/eat/shoot.  This would prevent players from having many crates/other storage in their inventory, and would make it necessary for allies to protect the one person carrying the crate.  Sprinting could also be disabled when carrying heavy objects.  If the later suggestion of horses are implemented, saddles could carry items as well.


-Weather - weather changes could be interesting.  I was told some servers are on a real time day/night cycle - this is a little too long, nobody is going to play for 12 hours to see the sun come up (or at least I won't).  Snow and rain (saw these on another post) could be good additions.  I would have snowfall last 12-24 hours at most and rainfall last 6 hours at most (real time), this way you are not stuck in bad weather for a long time.  Snow could be a hindrance on movement and cause you to slip when sprinting (possibly breaking or dropping gear), and rain could hinder vision.


-Horses - (seen from another post) could be a nice addition, as long as they are rare.  Should have drawbacks, such as hunger and thirst, possibly fatigue.  Saddlebags could be a nice storage addition to horses, making transporting materials easier.


-More players - Even in the more populated 35-40 player servers, coming across other players is rare (much like zombies).  I would prefer more variety in server sizes; for example, 30-40 could be a minimum server size for players that want to scavenge and travel safely, 50-60 players could be for those who want to scavenge and travel with a challenge, and 70-80+ could be for those who want to encounter other players and either befriend, rob, or kill them.


These are only my thoughts, if you reply, comment on these ideas and give your own opinions.

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horses would be nice but perhaps not rare as they would need tons of feeding and looking after but effective way of getting around and yeh the weather is terrible at the moment i hope they make a good change like you suggested

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Camo - Trying to find someone in open terrain, with no reference point, wearing a brown hoodie and a black ball cap who's laying prone and remaining motionless would be near impossible. Movement is what blows concealment. Someone moving will catch your eye faster than the clown mask they're wearing. (Unless, of course, they're prone staring through a scope looking for prey)  Regardless, ghillies would be sick.  :thumbsup:


Storage -  You want to carry around a box while you travel? Plus, if the server reset while the crate was on the ground, you'd lose it and all its contents. 


Horses - Any animals would be cool. They've been confirmed. Having to take care of them like a pet? First you want a box for more space and now a saddle bag as well? You're like a Day Z hoarder lol. Again with the resets. The horse and all it has on it would probably disappear upon reset.


More Players -  Full servers of 30-40 are plenty for normal play IMO. It's all about location. Balota, Cherno, and Elektro are usually poppin. Both air strips up North are usually the same. Wait around at any military base and company will arrive. 60+ players on a single map would be a frenzy haha. It'd be fun to try it out. Maybe load the maps up with more weapons, gear, and zeds as well with the sole purpose of increasing combat, PvP and PvE alike. :thumbsup:



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