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Tent Alternatives

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Maybe instead of tents it would make more sense to stash a backpack, or protector cases in the woods. Certain items such as these could be set not to despawn, or despawn only when not used for long periods of time.

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I think it would be good for players to be able to create lean-to's in forests, which function as tents. The player would need an axe and some rope (or similar) to create it, and if found it could easily be destroyed.

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You should definitely be able to get in a tent when it rains to stay dry. Would be funny to see a roaming Z crash through it whilst you're making a brew.

Edited by {SAS}Stalker

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Tents? what did I miss?


What happened to what Dean Hall said about making "Cells" similar to Skyrim/Oblivion/Fallout engine


think of it like a portal to another cell/map, sort of basement or fallout shelter

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I think we should be able to dig holes and use metal detectors.

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I think we should be able to dig holes and use metal detectors.

Will never be possible with the RV engine that we have now. The way to map is made is, it's a huge surface with raised/lowered surfaces with textures over it. This means there's now way to add a form of "destroying" the surface, like you can in Battlefield 3/4. He can, however, add sort of a grate on the surface of the map. Upon clicking on it, you can be teleported to a single cell off the map boundaries (or under).

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