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Backpack accessibility overhaul

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Do you ever feel those little backpacks are just tad underappreciated? Wouldn´t it be nice to feel good for having found a big backpack? Don´t you think there should be even more stuff that can carry stuff so you can get stuff in your stuff to find more stuff to be stuffed in the stuffs you found? Worry not, follow this simple 4 (and a half) step program and fulfill all that and more!


1. Add makeshift carrying devices

2. Make small backpacks considerably more rare

3. Make big backpacks obscenely rare

4. Add more slots for carrying devices (fanny bags, belts, purses, satchels)

4 (and a half). Reduce the amount of slots in current carrying devices (or not, depends on the results of above points really)





Few pointers for the point number one:


Stuff that i´ve used or seen used to carry few days worth of equipment and rations more or less comfortably include but may not be limited to

-turtle neck shirt, t-shirt, sweatshirt, shirt (with a bit of string/rope)

-jackets...all sorts of jackets (again with a bit of string/rope)

-burlap sacks (with bit of string/rope)

Any of the above can be give a solid frame with some sticks, and bit more string/rope, to make carrying it more comfortable.

Belts, leather straps or anything that´s wide and long can be used to make carrying those more comfortable.

I have no doubts whatsoever, that any piece of clothing can be made in to some sort of a carrying device (if you make a sock into one, it´s going to be kinda tiny obviously) with bit of string/rope

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And i´m afraid it will be just the burlap sack+rope+sticks version rocket has mentioned, when in reality there´s so much more that could be done.


Besides, unless they drasticly reduce backpack spawns, and increase the spawnrates of the materials for that makeshift backpack, it´s going to be absoluely useless recipe. I tried hunting for the said things earlier, and it took almost couple of hours to find all those, during which i passed by almost a dozen backpacks.


I´m hoping they prove me wrong here though.

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I think it will become more difficult to find various items as others are added. I think drop rates also need to be tweaked though, and I would have thought that this will all be taken care of in due time.

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