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character animation transition

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From a full sprint to just dive into prone.

Being able to leap quickly over obstacles while running, always.

Not requiring a full stop to put items away, perhaps requiring pockets in certain locations.

Realism is key.

I can put my ar15 over my shoulder while running.

As well as holster a pistol, or put it in a pocket.

I can dive into prone while running. If we do it on dirt, pavement, asphalt hell make us bleed lightly.

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Oh also, how about a faster ladder process. Even offer a speed increase option. Sh*t why not a slide down a ladder option.

I see myself having to push crouch, prone, stand, get weapon out buttons multiple times....anyone else?

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I agree, there should be two options, the standard slow safe option that we're seeing now. And the "oh fuck oh fuck I'm being shot" reckless optioin, that's likely to make you fall off or otherwise harm you.

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Definitely the prone thing. I've been killed twice because my character decided to find the most comfortable patch of ground to lie down on behind some cover, and ended up catching a few bullets with his face, rather than just going "ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck" and hitting the deck quickly. The magnificent swan dive from the mod was perfect...

Edited by Zer0HD2

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I agree about the prone dive.


Equipping items while running is already in the game, although granted it's fairly bugged. If I just run straight forwards, no strafing, I can equip my axe or rifle in mid run without stopping.


You can also already jump over things easily, you just have to time the jump so you hit V before you run into the obstacle. It's fairly unintuitive, since pretty much every command in the game has this ridiculous delay. But it's fine, since you don't actually have to jump over the obstacle. Jumping and vaulting in this game just means your character does a little animation and clips through the obstacle, so as long as you get the jump to start before the obstacle, even if you land ontop of it, you'll pass through it.

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Different "draw" animations depending on where the item is. Item in pack = rummage through pack to get it (slow), item in vest = reach to vest (fast), item in pants = reach to pants (medium speed).

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I realize this is Alpha but this is the suggestion section and I have a few.


We have no idea what's on the folks minds so lets add some ideas! JIC



I wasn't gonna put it that way but I want some "ohfuckohfuckohfuck, i'm being shot at" speed capability in all aspects that require moving.




You can also already jump over things easily, you just have to time the jump so you hit V before you run into the obstacle. It's fairly unintuitive, since pretty much every command in the game has this ridiculous delay. But it's fine, since you don't actually have to jump over the obstacle. Jumping and vaulting in this game just means your character does a little animation and clips through the obstacle, so as long as you get the jump to start before the obstacle, even if you land ontop of it, you'll pass through it.

see how much you said to explain how the character jumps in the game. lol


I'm saying you hit the "climb/jump" button it should be quick, period, non of that one leg over followed by the other crap. make it quick. feel me?

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Different "draw" animations depending on where the item is. Item in pack = rummage through pack to get it (slow), item in vest = reach to vest (fast), item in pants = reach to pants (medium speed).


Hang on guys... I got something in my pants, you need to see!

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Hang on guys... I got something in my pants, you need to see!

It's a banana!

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everything i see at current stage is more or less directly imported from arma2 - from weapon draws to ladder actions. as stated in a thread next door, i really, really hope those are merely placeholders, and properly coded, DayZ-appropriate things are coming.

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