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Character wipes and death for no reason on empty server?

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I played the game monday morning on january 6 and found out that my previous character was apparently wiped while I was offline for the weekend... Was there supposed to be a character wipe that nobody is talking about?

Also right now I was on a server with no other players and rechecked every few seconds as I was in an empty and zombie ridden NWAF. I got up the firehouse still with no one but me on the server and a second later I'm dead. No sound, no zombie, no player. Do any other people have these weird deaths? Are BattleEye and VAC not working properly?

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Sometimes the game kills you for switching servers (Server Hopping) this is where you switch servers much and the game will just WIPE your gear, thinking they is something wrong  Try not logging onto servers which aren't saying your region E.G if your UK go onto UK servers, filter the server name in the Change Server list

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I played the game monday morning on january 6 and found out that my previous character was apparently wiped while I was offline for the weekend... Was there supposed to be a character wipe that nobody is talking about?

Also right now I was on a server with no other players and rechecked every few seconds as I was in an empty and zombie ridden NWAF. I got up the firehouse still with no one but me on the server and a second later I'm dead. No sound, no zombie, no player. Do any other people have these weird deaths? Are BattleEye and VAC not working properly?



there are certain sync issues that will cause your position not report properly to the server, so if you are on an elevated position like the fire station tower, you might find yourself suddenly outside and thus falling to your death.


similarly, when a connection issue prevents accessing your character data, the server will make you create a new character. once the server syncs this new datra back to the hive, it may overwrite you old character.



disclaimer: those are educated guesses and speculations in regard to your issue, the behaviour you experienced may have different reasons.

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