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Fast/Safe Item Trading (serverfriendly)

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Here again my idea in the new forum (original post :http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/160206-fastsafe-item-trading-serverfriendly/) :


i have an idea about how to trade fast and maybe also safe. i am rid of dropping everything so others can take it. also u cant enter backpacks no more (yet).


how about u press a key like F5 to do an animation to stretch out hands like this

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those hands show up in your vincinity like a bagpack on the ground. it maybe got 10 slots or like that. if u drag items in there the server does not have to render the real object on the ground which causes lags and lost items.max. 2 ppl can do this trade at once.  and if u like a safe trade to could offer items in your open hands for any goods in your opponents hand and u both have to accept the trade first. (like you pull back your hands).

with items in your hands still in the animation u cant run and u cant hold or shoot weapons.like that.

  Reveal hidden contents


u must first put them in ur inventory to go on.


what do you think? i think its good because it doesnt strain the server and its much faster,easier, and safer,  then simply dropping. but u could still drop items nevertheless



ps. sry i dindnt find better pics lol

Edited by Lauri7x3
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