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Menü Plätze / PVP-PVE Server

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servus zusammen, ich wünsche mir für die SA mehr Charakter plätze wünschen so 5 ungefähr, und die Entscheidung ob man reine PVE Server einstellt oder reine PVP 


Hi, I wish for the SA more character places so desire about 5, and the decision whether to set pure PVE server or pure PVP

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Why would you play DayZ, a game where player interaction is a VERY big part and not have the threat of other players?

It's seems a little pointless, don't ya think?

That's like Pokémon without the wild Pokémon encounters.


As for characters, one is more than enough, characters will have even less value if you die and have the ability to just jump on another character straight away and get back into the fight.

Edited by Rossums

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The permadeathsystem would suffer, if we implement a twinksystem. 


And... PvE is a little pointless, like the gentleman above me pointed out. I guess, that it's up to the devs to focus more on PvE by designing even more dangerous Z's. 




Übrigens glaube ich nicht, dass deutsche Übersetzungen in einem doch weitgehend englischsprachigen Bord nötig sind. Die verwirren vielleicht mehr als sie helfen ^_^

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I would not mind more characters as well. At least one group character and one I can play solo around the map

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Die Bedrohung geht ja auch von den Zombies aus, also Überleben der Zombi Apokalypse und nicht ständig die Bedrohung durch andere Spieler. Team Play ist hier das große Thema gegen die Zombies. Das Team play sollte auch möglich sein mit fremden Spielern die nicht zusammen im TS sind.


The threat goes also by the zombies from, so survival of the zombie apocalypse and not constantly the threat of other players. Team play is the big issue here against the zombies. The team play should also be possible with foreign players who are not together in the TS.

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Don't like PvE at all, as even when player threats are around, zombies are still a pain in the ass. Back in the mod we'd often have a couple of people dedicated to dealing with the zombies whilst the rest of the group focused on trying to kill the other players in the firefights we used to get into. Great to have that team work, and that threat of both parties against you rather than just zombies, especially when you can just run away from them and break their line of sight. 


What needs to be done at the moment, is get the performance sorted so they can increase the zombie count so they are more of a threat than they are currently. That should in turn then hopefully reduce the PvP slightly in most situations. There are already ways of communicating with others in-game, if people don't use them then do not expect for things to go well. 


As for other characters, I've kind of thought it would be nice considering I now have a character that I would love to use for a story youtube series, and another so I can just jump on and play without having to worry about loosing the other before I have the chance to do any recording. But having said that, the perma death and single character design that DayZ is running is what sets it apart from every other game for me. Loose that, and a lot of the thrill from firefights will go too. 

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