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Animations for inventory actions!

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Hey there!


So, animations for inventory actions. The hell that means, right?


Well basically, for example, currently if you have your compass put in your jeans, and then you take it from hotbar and put it back, it'll look like you're putting on your back. I think the animation should depend on where the item is actually stored in your inventory. If it's in your jeans, it would look like you take/put it in your jeans, or jacket/shirt/hoodie whatever and so on.


Another thing with backpacks. Whenever you open your inventory, your backpack should be closed. When you try to open it your character would actually take the backpack off his back, crouch, and then unzip it (makes sense, duh). It would obviously take a bit of time, but it would look hella cool. 



What you guys think?

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I would say cool idea, but I would like alot more things first before they start to implement things like this.

I want camps! Vehicles! Wild Life! Cooking! More and less bugged Zombies and more bug fixing!

And Client optimization! Oh god..


Anyway.. After all those things, more fluid animations would be nice.

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I can imagine the devs already had something like this in their mind, and I totaly support it because it would simply look cool.

But what I also realy want to see is the backpack thing. In the Mod you had to stop to access your gear at all. I like that you can check your stuff when you are walking but it should be limited to tops, pants and vests. Backpacks should, as you suggested, force you to stop to access it.

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