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what got messed up in the last few days?!?

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the game has been pretty stable for the last couple weeks, but today was an entirely different story. it started with my character being deleted TWICE, every server i seemed to log onto was crashing/restarting (4-5 of them) and my character was possessed. in spats my point of aim and/or location would just drift in some random direction with no input of my own, this actually pushed me through a wall of a second story building thereby killing me instantly, and a second time pushed me into a buildings walls where i was forced to jump run for a good 10 minutes to get out of it.

at one point running along a dirt road my point of aim and location drifted in so many  directions for a good 4-5 minutes that i lost track of which way i was going. there was another point that my character was stuck running forward over the same 100m stretch for a good 10 minutes just to pop back at the start of it again.


i don't what has been changed in the last day or two, but i think it broke more then it fixed.

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I've experienced some of those same issues recently, only not quite as severe as your instances...

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DDoS, or DoS?.


People throw around the letters (or word, at this stage?) DDoS all of the time.

It looks like a good ol' traditional DoS from here, otherwise the damage would be much more; especially since the forums were only "down" (as the elite 12 year old script kiddie put it) for about 1 minute.

It was a fast regain from the packet-spam.

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