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Definitions of Time Frames in Official Documentation During Alpha/Beta

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Stolen from: A brief history of time according to Sapience



Please keep in mind; the measurements below are highly accurate (as are their relationships to each other). However, the descriptions are for entertainment purposes only. Unless you win money, then you owe me 10%.

At some point in the future (also, At some point)
We’re in pure Nostradamus territory here. We have a magic 8 all and even it is saying, “Ask again later”.

In the future
This isn’t going to happen during any variety of soon you care to use. In fact, it’s pretty far out there. Not as far as ‘at some point’ but we’re certainly not suggesting you book vacation time just yet. But at least we’re probably talking about something that is possible within the current time line. Assuming, of course, the Mayans got it wrong and we’re still here after all that crazy ‘end of the world’ stuff.

In the near future
This is absolutely, positively, without question, a possibility. In fact, it might even be a real possibility. But as to when, we’ll have to get back to you on that one.

No lie. It’s going to happen. It’s going to happen really freakin’, like, eventually. But it will happen!

It’s official! We have given consideration to a possible date and we now have several possibilities!

We’ve narrowed the date down to something within the calendar year!

No really, we have a date now! It’s even penciled in on a calendar somewhere!

We have a date, and we’re probably going to tell you what that date is…soon!

As soon as possible
Time being the slippery thing it is, this has quite probably already happened. If not, it is very likely to happen while someone is typing up the message telling you when it will happen. Assuming, of course, that it is, in fact, possible.

Never gonna happen!

A word about capitalization.
As a general rule, capitalization will tip you off as to a measurement’s place in time. Captial letters denote a longer period of time than lower case letters. This applies to all uses of capitalization when dealing with time. Thus Soon is longer than soon. Like wise, MoreSoonerish, Moresoonerish, and moresoonerish are all incremetally shorter periods from longest to shortest.

TM and its uses
The notorious ™ has very specific meanings. It denotes a longer period of time than the word or phrase would otherwise represent without the addition of the ™.

Combined notation
When you see a combination of ™ and capitalization you must consider both modifiers on the base measurement.



*For those who don't know, Sapience is one of the community managers for the LOTRO forums. He has the catchphrase of "Soon" but recently it's been debated what "Soon" actually means. Today, we've been given the answer.

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