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Spawn "balancing"

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So, the devs idea of "balancing" spawns is to make all the spawn zones entirely in the east and none in the west? It's just ridiculous, why can't the spawns just go back to how they were and focus on more important things. I'm not even going to play the game if the spawns remain as they are, I don't have the time to walk for 30 mins + every time I re spawn

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But you have time to spend probably about the same amount of time to suicide till you get the balota spawn?

I don't know if the OP always suicides, but at least for me the problem isn't that you spawn far away from Elektro or Cherno, I mean, I don't even go there but the real problem is that every server you join has the map looted already, no way to survive more than 30 minutes.

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But you have time to spend probably about the same amount of time to suicide till you get the balota spawn?

No, I just haven't been playing, it's unplayable atm

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No, I just haven't been playing, it's unplayable atm

Then you're doing it wrong. No, seriously, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!

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I just always run to Berezino,on the way i always find at least one of the axes,and two times i also found a mosin.Berezino usually is barely looted,plenty of stuff there. Then NEAF.

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So, the devs idea of "balancing" spawns is to make all the spawn zones entirely in the east and none in the west? It's just ridiculous, why can't the spawns just go back to how they were and focus on more important things. I'm not even going to play the game if the spawns remain as they are, I don't have the time to walk for 30 mins + every time I re spawn


If you can't bother yourself with running 30 minutes to reach a destination go play another game.


This game is clearly not for you.


Hope the devs continue to not cater to this type of player.

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I just always run to Berezino,on the way i always find at least one of the axes,and two times i also found a mosin.Berezino usually is barely looted,plenty of stuff there. Then NEAF.

Have you tried the ship wreck? almost always an M4 there, but no ammo and there is a little dirt track near it which is awesome for getting to NEAF. Look it up on the map, the shipwreck is called Rify. It's north of Berez.

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I don't know if the OP always suicides, but at least for me the problem isn't that you spawn far away from Elektro or Cherno, I mean, I don't even go there but the real problem is that every server you join has the map looted already, no way to survive more than 30 minutes.


Four steps on spawning:


1) Put battery in flashlight <- you aren't going to use that for anything but the inventory slot is going to be needed.

2) Take off your tee shirt and rip it into rags <- Be prepared.

3) Run to nearest water pump & guzzle away until you need to pee.

4) Light out to where ever you think you need to be....


At this point you can sprint straight across the map before the water runs out. You'll get a lot of status messages, but we can ignore all that.


Don't be hitting up all the usual places, especially if the server has been up for a while. Hit on all of those out of the way industrials. They're a good place to find your basic axe and left over canned food. The other players are going to be heading straight to the high yield high risk places to gear up, but a fireaxe is still a one shot one kill device and is much more plentiful


Parting words of wisdom: Don't be where the bullet stops!

Edited by DJPorterNZ
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Have you tried the ship wreck? almost always an M4 there, but no ammo and there is a little dirt track near it which is awesome for getting to NEAF. Look it up on the map, the shipwreck is called Rify. It's north of Berez.

Totally forgot :P


Found a mosin there, but didn't have much luck the other time(have been there only two times)

To many rooms to search,and one time i fell to death because i lloked down the cracked part from the edge,and if you stand to near of the edge you will slowly slide down to your death,without a way to stop i.

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If you can't bother yourself with running 30 minutes to reach a destination go play another game.


This game is clearly not for you.


Hope the devs continue to not cater to this type of player.


You have quite the large stick up your ass. Good message, shitty way of conveying it.


Game is hard.

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OP, please stop playing this game and never come back.





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If you can't bother yourself with running 30 minutes to reach a destination go play another game.


This game is clearly not for you.


Hope the devs continue to not cater to this type of player.


Haha, no need to get bitchy, little boy.

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Haha, no need to get bitchy, little boy.

He's right though. Getting around should take up a lot of time. It's not a game for casuals.

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He's right though. Getting around should take up a lot of time. It's not a game for casuals.

Well the mod was just fine, my point of this thread is that spawns should be balanced, you should be able to spawn all over the coast

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Well you can feel the heat from some in here.

This is a survival Mod. I think it's important to remember this one point. Survival isn't supposed to be made easier. Yes we understand the issues it may cause some players that you spawn far away to think: “oh what the hell” and then continue to highlight there frustration on a forum. Most of us are tempted to do the same. But in the end the game it's self lures you back to try again and if it doesn't then it is clearly not the game for you.


The problem with people complaining about far spawns is the fact they've lost everything and that tends to become more of a focal point rather than the survival struggle it's self. You've got bandits, You've got Zombies, You've got the idiots, You've got the stalkers, You've got the glitches and bugs and most importantly you've got your self to blame for loosing that much earned gear.


Starting over I find tends to have it's perks now and then and when those fortunate perks happen you almost always end up forgetting about that bad spawn.

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Well the mod was just fine, my point of this thread is that spawns should be balanced, you should be able to spawn all over the coast


In the mod it was fine being able to spawn at Balota, and I'd prefer it that way IF Balota wasn't a huge ass militiry base like it is now.

So yeah, once they kick out the barracks and reduce the barracks at Bor and Zeleno, it's just wrong. It's nice what they did with the map, but I have no idea what they were thinking when they thought putting 3 barracks at Balota, 3 at Bor, and two at Zelenogorsk was a good idea. Much rather have one barrack and the prison building at Green Mountain, and a lot of military vehicle wrecks around the place. Put back the tents in Cherno, etc.. You know, lots of small spawns, instead of a concentration of 8 barracks within a couple of kilometers, right at the spawn. And I'm not even talking about any other military buildings which are there now. But if it were only those I'd be fine with it.

Edited by Ratiasu
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You ARE able to spawn all over the coast.. Problem is people don't want to spawn "all over the coast", they want to spawn right next to all the l33t l00t.. 


Most people in this game will run by a Mosin that is hiding in the top of a residential building that nobody has even gone into, to make their way to the firestation which has already been looted 25 times and has nothing but an old pair of sneakers in it.. Then they go to the school.. then the super market, then the other firestation, then they get shot, respawn, commit suicide 4 times, then ragequit.

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You guys.  Spawns are not an issue.  Do you guys understand that there are more places to find loot than balota airfield.  I know most of you are new but try to use google from time to time to help you out or something.  Instead of jumping on the forumns B****ing ab something broken in the game.  


If i can kill myself to get a balota spawn and be fully geared withing 15 minutes(If that long), something needs balancing cause thats not how the game was meant to played.  So have fun hope to have you in my sights sometime XD

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In the mod it was fine being able to spawn at Balota, and I'd prefer it that way IF Balota wasn't a huge ass militiry base like it is now.

So yeah, once they kick out the barracks and reduce the barracks at Bor and Zeleno, it's just wrong. It's nice what they did with the map, but I have no idea what they were thinking when they thought putting 3 barracks at Balota, 3 at Bor, and two at Zelenogorsk was a good idea. Much rather have one barrack and the prison building at Green Mountain, and a lot of military vehicle wrecks around the place. Put back the tents in Cherno, etc.. You know, lots of small spawns, instead of a concentration of 8 barracks within a couple of kilometers, right at the spawn. And I'm not even talking about any other military buildings which are there now. But if it were only those I'd be fine with it.

Honestly I don't understand the issue with Balota, if you want realism, what's unrealistic about an army base having lots of ARMY loot. It gives players somewhere to go and fight if they want to, I actually love going there and robbing people, or just looking for any contact at all, because to be honest what else is there to do? I'm not even going to pretend that I'm a good guy bandit killer, bambi saver, because I'm not, I'll happily KOS somebody if he has good gear.

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You guys.  Spawns are not an issue.  Do you guys understand that there are more places to find loot than balota airfield.  I know most of you are new but try to use google from time to time to help you out or something.  Instead of jumping on the forumns B****ing ab something broken in the game.  


If i can kill myself to get a balota spawn and be fully geared withing 15 minutes(If that long), something needs balancing cause thats not how the game was meant to played.  So have fun hope to have you in my sights sometime XD


How else is it supposed to played then currently? 


Find food and water and just run around aimlessly finding more and more food and water?

"Surviving" against the zombies which have probably already all been killed


C'mon, tell me how it's "supposed" to be played

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