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Loot help

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Hi i am new to this forum and new to Dayz Standalone, but not dayz mod,


Just a quick question.


Do loot spawns spawn in every open house in the game ? because i have been running around for a while and the only thing i can find is some duct tape and a can of beans, I play on servers that have only a few people on.

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I could give you a fast tip there, first of all, if you go to a high populated server, you should know most houses are looted.

I have some links that will help you by finding loot.




The first one is a map over the whole island, and where loot are located, even clothes and weapons!

Second one is  for telling where you are located, just read it and you know! =D

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The log cabins, and red/green houses that are elevated(have to go up stairs on outside to get into house) and a few others don't ever spawn loot

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Some houses don't spawn loot it seems. Also loot only respawns on server restarts, so popular areas will usually be looted. Try going to towns you wouldn't have gone to in the mod, with enterable buildings they are worth it and often enough are untouched.

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If your "open house" means "houses that have their doors open", then probably all these "open houses" have been looted recently. Try inland cities and those houses that look fresh (no door inside is open, neither is the gate). Just to mention, inland cities simply have a great amount of loot, I mean sometimes 5,6 food/drinks in a room (though it's a special storage-ish room). 


P.S. if all inland door-closed houses seem empty to you, look more carefully. DayZ SA doesn't have as much and obvious loot as it is in mod.

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if you are in the city with the big buildings (dont remember the name) I always find loot on the top floors, you have to climb up the elevator shaft or something

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