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army bases searching body ideas (prison)

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well as i watched 28 weeks later last night i thought about in army bases that dead soldiers would have security passes to get into secure zones.


this would make another reason for killing and searching zombies in these areas and other areas around the map to retrieve keys or passes or other objects to open things from secure units to gun cabinets to prison doors.


so army base you kill a certain army type zombie search body retrieve pass enter that particular gate point. without this pass key you cant enter !


big prison in middle of map (this should be as big as churno or electro) make a big horde to protect around it with mega loot inside. 4 big towers maybe a main middle center tower slightly higher.


to gain entrance again no just walking in you need a pass or key from one of the dead guards or zombies workers. this give meaning and no easy ride. it becomes a challenge. also when entering you need other keys and passes as you go in further. this turns into a epic journey and event by doing this and not just a open the door. maybe you can snap a key in a lock aswell to prevent any others from other areas getting in.


this idea could also work for vehicles in towns and having keys in buildings adjacent to the vehicles. so moped keys in pizza shop, taxi , keys in taxi office and so on.


also why is there no pubs :)



i think by adding reasons objectives to killing zombies and items on them you are adding good gameplay with a reason. true itema have been added to some zombies in the mod but not to open doors or vehicles and so on.



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