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Medical Ideas

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I think it's a bit unrealistic how morphine magically heals broken legs. I think having to limp around for a certain amount of time on a splint would make more sense. Morphine should instead act like a painkiller. To compliment this, medical splints should spawn somewhat commonly in hospitals. Also, what happened to those wounded animations they showed in a devblog a while back. It would be cool to see players limp around when they got low on health. It would also be a nice addition to have bandages visible on players.

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There are splints too.

Found one on a guy that unfortunately stumbled into one of my .357 bullets I was firing to celebrate something.

No idea how to get them. But, now that I think, maybe sticks + rags.

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I know that you can use splints, but they only cause you to limp until you use morphine, I am suggesting that splints heal you after time, and that morphine does not instantly and unrealistically heal your broken legs.

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