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The Bandit Brothers - Elite Hunting Squad - Recruiting limited numbers

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Howdy ya'll, I'm one of the original Bandit Brothers with my good friend Wiley. We're a tactical hunting squad based in Epoch. We started as a two man squad back in vanilla and have moved around through Epoch since it's release hunting major bandits on servers (We usually don't mess with the friendlies too much, just bandits :D ). Currently we play on one main server that has about 5+ other active squads on it. 


In total there's 8 of us now, as others have moved on in their live's but not everyone is as active as the main 6. We're looking to change this, as we're on a very competitive server with many 6 or less person squads.




- 16+ years of age (none of us are under the age of 20, but we're open to the idea of a very skilled, mature younger member.)


- Working Microphone/Headset, with Teamspeak & Skype


- Good knowledge of the game, and a good amount of experience


- Willingness to push your skills further, and help further the group as a whole 


- The ability to relax and have a good time


Please send me a message with your abilities, age, timezone, and hours of availability.

Edited by Sanityy

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My steam name is Sean17 and im 16 years old. I live in Ireland and can play anytime after 4pm (school). I have a lot of experience with the game and i know how to work the map and where the loot spawns etc. Im a pretty good shot but i only average like 30fps in small towns and like 15 fps in big cities like Cherno.

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My name is Kurt and I am 16 years old. I live in Eastern U.S. and play after school mostly every day. I am a good shot and am pretty good at sneaking around enemy groups and going undetected. I have some knowledge of the map and where loot is located. I love this game and like to have fun while playing it. Send me a message if you want me to join you're crew. My playing time is usually 7pm to 11 or 12 pm for the rest of January. At the end of January I can play from 4pm to 11 or 12 pm due to wrestling season.

Edited by Bravenheart

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Hey man, I'm interested, join my TS3 server or Skype me please as I dont use this much? disturbedrevolutiongaming.teamspeak3.com or [email protected] :) Also I'm 19 and live in the United Kingdom, England. Thanks :D

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