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Forum for posting "Ban Reports" - any possibility?

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I have recently had to ban a few individuals on our server for disconnecting mid firefight. These individuals had caused trouble before and there was plenty of evidence to back this up.

Flashforward to today where I see one of them accusing me of abusing the admin abilities and basically lying about the events that happened. It wouldn't bother me as much but I do know that some players have been banned unfairly on other servers, and those players have every right to be pissed. I hate being thrown in the mix with these admins by people who lie on the forums as I try to create a fair and just place for people to play.

Coincidentally I created a thread on our community forums, basically a ban report that included the individuals name and evidence backing up the ban. I think it might be nice having a forum to do this here. That way admins who are thorough and patient don't have to worry about getting blacklisted for people lying or bending the truth.

Let me know your thoughts,

Thread in reference:


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Certainly, I think we will just need a central thread to get it started. There is no point in creating a thread for each ban. It kind of couples with the idea of a server admin forum.

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I usually just save all the information into a folder related to each user. Screen shots, video, logs, whatever I think is appropriate. Then if I see the ban arise on the forums, I just whip the folder out and justify myself.

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