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Suggestion: Models for radio headset in the future.

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Im not sure what the headset model for radios is currently or if it even has been made yet, but i was thinking that these should be the models that you can craft, or even find them in military areas. This one is here is some MSA sordins.



And a really popular model used around the world by SF is the Peltor comtac II.



Or maybe the throat Mic system for those who prefer a more low profile look?



The first two headset also have other applications besides being used for comms, they automatically deafen the noise of certain sounds, such as gunshots to safe decibel levels so you don't damage your ears. This is also helpful if they plan to implement a deafening system for long sustained fire or explosions like in ACE mod. Headsets like these are also able to be worn under certain helmets, hats, beanies, ETC. Batteries would also be an obvious requirement since they have more then 1 function as a headset. What do you think?

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Like this idea. Think that without a headset people nearby should both you and your buddy on the other radio talking. With the head set just you. With the (ultrarare) throat mic as modelled by Bruce Willis in you photo (from Tears of the Sun) perhaps reduce the volume of your voice when you talk into the radio...

Edited by Roshi

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