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Turning off nametags on a server

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Hello to all Dayz players I have a couple questions and hopefully someone here can help.

First I did search for a answer here and this thread is all I can find: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15630

So the questions are:

1. Is there a way to leave 3dp & CH on but turn off nametags? Since nametags allows seeing people through trees buildings etc..

2. In the previous thread I could not tell if he was just changing his personal account or a server config so if there is a way to do it (server config) is it allowed by the rules set forth by the Dayz development team?

3. If there is a way to do it someone please explain as simple as possible since my group is new to the Dayz game/running a Dayz server.

Thanks in advance.


P.S. check us out on Atlanta 37 server hosted by www.MaliciousIntentGaming.com

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Sorry, I can't help you with that one. Just wanted to say thanks though, in my opinion those nametags have absolutely no place in this game. Also, once you get them turned off, would you mind updating your server name to include NT=off etc? Most servers make no mention of this setting in the server name.

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On my server with no tags I have this:



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Fyi, ProfileName is based on your launch parameters (-profiles). Default is usually CfgDayZ if you haven't changed it.



Under Veteran , change the following from 1:


If you're changing Regular, then you will also want to turn EnemyTag=0;

Keep in mind, in your Server.cfg, the difficulty you specify in your Missions class is the settings that will be applied.

class Missions
class DayZ {
template = dayz_xxx.Chernarus;
difficulty = "Veteran";

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Thanks for everyones help and we will try it out and let u know.

@ SystemiK: I will also place the settings in title.

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